Prayer For Child With Autism

Lord Jesus, You told us, Your disciples, to lay hands on the sick and they would recover, (Mark 16:18). You said in John 14:7 and again in John 14:16 that if we abide in You, we could ask whatever we desire in Your name and Your Father would do it, because it would bring glory to Your name. So I ask that _______ would be healed in the cellular, molecular level of their genes, in their DNA, and that anything that resides there that is not of Your placement, nor Your will be supernaturally removed, replaced with Your fullness and restored to perfect health right now, in Jesus name.

Holy Spirit, please give _______ a revelation of his/her heavenly Father's love and acceptance so that Your perfect love will cast out all fear. Reveal the Father's heart to ________. Show him/her their true identity as it is in Christ. Lead _________ to the salvation that is through Jesus Christ. I thank You and give You glory for the healing that is taking place now in Jesus name. Amen.

In the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command every spirit of insanity, doublemindedness, instability and schizophrenia be bound to silence, impotence and paralyzed now. I forbid them from speaking, influencing or taking over _______'s mind and body.

In the name and authority of Jesus Christ, I break any and all ungodly oaths or covenants made with occult spirits, religious spirits and spirits of witchcraft. I bind them to silence, impotence and render them paralyzed in the name of Jesus Christ.

In the name and authority of Jesus Christ, I bind the spirits of Fear, Anger, Bitterness, Rebellion, Rejection and Disapproval. I bind all mind-blinding spirits and the spirit of Autism.

In the name and authority of Jesus Christ, I bind the spirits of Legion and the Deaf and Dumb spirit, rendering them powerless, impotent and paralyzed. I forbid Legion and every demon under its authority from interfering or interrupting with _________'s thought processes, motor responses and speech.

In the name and authority of Jesus Christ, I pray over ___________'s brain and I break the power of poisoned thinking and the strongholds of the mind. I break the power of word curses and generational curses in Jesus name.

Father God, we just thank you for children who are facing autism and experiencing sensory overload. We also pray for those who have special needs, children and adults, who may have other things going on in their bodies and mind that they're not able to control. They are in your hands and you see them, Oh God.

We come against the enemy and any spirit that will want to overwhelm them, in the name of Jesus. We pray for freedom in their spirits to be who you called them to be. We pray for healing in their bodies, mind, soul and spirit. Where there's any deficiencies that you make up the deficiency Father God that you fill them up Lord God with your healing virtue. We thank you that by Jesus' stripes they are healed.

We call out any spirit of infirmity or sickness or weakness in their bodies and even this spirit of delay, in the name of Jesus. We sent it back to dry places from whence it came. Even

the challenges that they are having in this world, Lord, we pray You make every crooked road straight, in the name of Jesus. We declare healing over our children with challenges. We pray Lord God that the body of Christ would accept and embrace our children the way You accept and embrace our children. Our love is truly on trial can we love those who maybe don't fit the framework of what we think people should be? Help us Lord God to see people as people and to love them with the heart and the compassion that Jesus Christ has for us.

Father, we thank you that even that our children and adults with special needs are still be useful in the kingdom. We thank you Father God that for your word that says train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. We pray that their giftings would come forth, in the name of Jesus.

We pray that the body of Christ would recognize that where there is a deficiency You make up the gap in other areas. Thank you for their superior intelligence and the true gift that they are from you a gift to this world. Thank you, Oh God, for their enhanced ability to love us even when Your people don't show the love of Christ towards them and acceptance towards them. Cover them Lord and shelter them from rejection and fear.

Lord God, in the name of Jesus, encourage and strengthened the hearts and minds of the parents and care givers that are raising children that are having challenges, whatever they may be. Father we pray that you give them wisdom on how to raise these children that are truly a gift from God . Give them the wherewithal and whatever is needed to raise your children to bring out the best in these children so that they will be able to fulfill your purpose for their life.

We ask, Lord God, that Your body will see these children with eyes of love, eyes of caring, eyes of patience and develop us in the fruit of the Spirit. Help us to examine our own fruit and prune us so that we will bear much more fruit.

Father we abide, remain, habitate in your vine, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray.