Prayer For Child With Learning Disabilities

I bind the spirit of depression and low self esteem. Lord let your angels encamp around my son Jaden Humphrey. Father God order his footsteps. Invoke unto him a kind, clean and compassionate heart and spirit. Father God give him wisdom and knowledge. Never let him suffer from a lack of understanding. Father God always guide and direct him to stay on the right path.

Never allow the enemy to get anywhere near him. Always furnish him with kind, generous and wise friends. Give him peace. Never allow him to be harmed.

Father God allow him to get into a prestigious College or University and the gifts to excel. I ask in your might name. Give him great Teachers in and out of the classroom. Allow them to see his good works and deeds. Always invoke into him a spirit of humility and discernment.

Teach him patience and love. Guide and direct him in every aspect of his life. Anything or person that means him no good I ask that you remove from his life immediately. Give him good, kind, compassionate, empathetic, and knowledgeable Physicians.

Give us answers and guidance and not false hope. Send an overflow of peace. In Jesus name.

Lord, thank You for creating every child. Please equip World Vision staff, community leaders, families, and Your followers as they support children with disabilities, and encourage them. May they experience Your deep love every day.

I ask for prayer in giving my son the gift and ability to read, to do math and word problems, spelling and every area in academics. I bind the spirit of add, auditory processing disorder or dyslexia. I bind the spirit of not being able to remember, not being able to sound out words.

I bind the spirit of depression and low self esteem. Lord let your angels encamp around my son Jaden Humphrey. Father God order his footsteps. Invoke unto him a kind, clean and compassionate heart and spirit. Father God give him wisdom and knowledge. Never let him suffer from a lack of understanding. Father God always guide and direct him to stay on the right path.

Never allow the enemy to get anywhere near him. Always furnish him with kind, generous and wise friends. Give him peace. Never allow him to be harmed.

Father God allow him to get into a prestigious College or University and the gifts to excel. I ask in your might name. Give him great Teachers in and out of the classroom. Allow them to see his good works and deeds. Always invoke into him a spirit of humility and discernment.

Teach him patience and love. Guide and direct him in every aspect of his life. Anything or person that means him no good I ask that you remove from his life immediately. Give him good, kind, compassionate, empathetic, and knowledgeable Physicians.

Give us answers and guidance and not false hope. Send an overflow of peace. In Jesus name.

Lord of all, we lift up parents and caregivers of children with disabilities. Refresh them. Give them strength to press on each day. For families living in poverty, lead them to economic opportunities to provide each member with the resources to survive and thrive.

Lord, in Your mercy, You have afforded some children with disabilities an opportunity to receive the remedial classes and other services through World Vision programs around the world. Change leaders' hearts and laws so they will seek ways to provide learning opportunities for children with disabilities whose families can't afford school fees or do not have access to a school nearby.

Lord, our hearts ache for children with disabilities who lack access to care or whose families who cannot afford therapy or treatment. Spur national officials and healthcare professionals to create policies and develop systems that provide quality, affordable, accessible care. Soften the hearts of parents and caregivers hardened by stigma and shame so their children can be adequately cared for.

Lord, help children with disabilities know they are loved and they matter to You and the world. Through Your Spirit, help workers train parents and community leaders to walk in humility to eliminate destructive stigma toward people with disabilities. May children with disabilities be afforded improved access to basic services, healthcare, and education.

Lord, thank You for creating every child. Please equip World Vision staff, community leaders, families, and Your followers as they support children with disabilities, and encourage them. May they experience Your deep love every day.