Prayer For Breakthrough In Financial

God of Wisdom, I need Your divine light to guide me in learning what I need to know about money. I earnestly desire to make excellent headway in my situation, but I just don't understand much about finances. Help me to learn what I need to know about establishing a budget and in making wise investments with my money to get the best return. Amen.

God of Truth, help me to discern how the ways of the world often conflict with Your truth and values so that I can make significant financial progress. Help me understand that desiring the status of consumer goods can be a hindrance to financial security, not to mention my spiritual welfare, and that I shouldn't go into debt to obtain these things. Help me to differentiate between true needs and the desires of the eyes and of the flesh. Amen.

Lord, You are the Upholder of my life, and I ask You for a breakthrough with my investments. Help me to avoid the false prosperity and long-term bondage of debt, and instead use my money to build wealth. Help me to wisely save and invest my money in the right places, so that I receive abundant returns. May I be a slave to no one, but instead able to give freely. Amen.

Father of Glory, I ask for an exponential increase in my finances. I pray that You will multiply my resources, both through increased income and intelligent investments. I pray that wherever I invest my money, I'll get a great interest rate and a fantastic return. I pray for freedom from financial concerns. Help me to avoid risky investments and financial pitfalls. I pray that You will bless whatever my hands set out to do. Amen.

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus,
I come to you because I desperately need a new job.

Surely you are the Lord of the Impossible.
I know that no task is too big for you.
I know that you can open the windows
of heaven and have your blessings poured.

Lord, I need a job

I want a job where I can grow.
A job where the working conditions are good.
A job with a nice boss and colleagues.
A job with a good salary and benefits

I trust that you will open a door
for me and help me find a suitable job.

In Jesus' Name, Amen!

In the Mighty Name of Jesus
I now believe and declare

Financial Prosperity is flowing my way
The Lord has granted me abundant prosperity

I am blessed in my finances
My finances are continually growing
My Economic territory is rapidly expanding
I am like a tree planted by streams of water
I am always producing fruit
And my leaves never fall

I radiate like flowers in the desert
Everything I do will be successful
Whatever I start will finish with success
The work of my hands is blessed
I will prosper in my job/business

I am the head and not the tail
I am at the top and never at the bottom

I believe all these things


Heavenly Father
In the Precious Name of Jesus
I come before your throne
To pray your Holy Word over my finances

According to Philippians 4:13, I believe that I can do anything through Christ that is my strength

And therefore According to Deuteronomy 8:18, I pray for you to give me the ability to produce wealth

According to Luke 6:38, Lord pour into my lap a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and that is running over. Give me Lord more than I can hold.

According to Malachi 3:10, Father open the floodgates of heaven, let your blessings pour so that I may have more than enough of everything.

According to Philippians 4:19, Lord, meet all my needs according to the riches of Your glory in Jesus.

Lord, release all financial blessings according to your will in my life and my household.

I believe, I trust and
I wait on you Lord.


Holy Father in Heaven
Here I am before your throne
of grace and mercy

You promised in your Word
to take care of your children
Jesus, you said that our Father
feeds the birds and cloths
the lilies of the field
You said to not worry,
because we are of more
value than they are
You said that Father would
provide and supply all our needs
And to ask and
it shall be given to us

That's why, here I am, Lord
In great need of money
to pay my bills and
put food on the table

I ask you for divine
intervention over my finances
Provide an opportunity for me
to get the money I need
Send someone my way to
bless me financially
Or give me an idea on how to
make the money I need
as soon as possible

Father, please hear my plea
and don't delay in answering my prayer
I need you Lord more than ever

In the Holy Name of Jesus,
I pray, Amen!