Prayer For Ancestors

Courage, Integrity, Wisdom, Cleverness, Kindness and Compassion.
These are the virtues I believe in.
This is who I am.
Harriet Tubman, Ida B. Wells, Louisa May Alcott, Octavia Butler, Carrie Fisher.
These are the ancestors I admire.
This is who they were.
I am blessed by their knowledge and their example. I am inspired by their action. Within my own gifts and my own way I will do as they did, I will take part in the grand history of humanity. I will be a hero in my way, in my every day, to honor their memory.
So be it.

I ask my strong and powerful Ancestors which I have in my blood, my spirit and my soul, to come forward and protect me against my foes as well as those who wish to harm me.
I ask to receive understanding, respect and love from all those who meet me.
I ask that you clear my mind from any unwanted thoughts as well as any inner voices of doubt.
Please give the strength to silence my inner fear so that my true character can shine out.
We are one, we are many, we are strong, we are love, we are like the wind that can create good, we are also like the storm that can destroy that which is bad. We are all together, we are family, we fear nothing.
I thank you in advance for all that you have done and will do for me.
Help me stand up without any fear of pain, with the wisdom to be able to control myself and with the power to defeat anything against me.

Blessed beings of wing and hoof, those kin of green and red.
I call to you who once lived here on this earth but do so no longer.
I call to the vast ancient dinosaurs who roamed strange ancient forests.
I call to the the dodo that lived and died, who only exists in pictures.
I call to the the strange and the ordinary. Each species unique and filling a niche no longer.
May the Mother take you back and keep you in her mind.
May the Earth spring up with new species blessed in their own ways.
May we remember and keep the balance that those who live may stay.

Most Ancient Ones, I call back through the vast reaches of time to you!
Back through recorded history,
Before the Romans fought and fell: City, Republic, and Empire
Before the fertile lands between the Euphrates and the Tigris were cultivated and cultures rich and vast sprang up.
Before the taming of the wild steppe horses,
Before the land bridge to the Americas was crossed,
Before all these things you were there.

We do not forget you this day, most ancient ones.
You are us, and we are you, our DNA the same as yours.
Your minds bright and shining, your words clever, your hands working just as ours.
We thank you for your gifts and we thank you for your survival.
We are you, come back again, building on your work through the shifting sands of time.
Most ancient ones, homo sapiens, please accept our offering!

I call to those who died in raging war, those who only wanted simple things: the joy of day, the calm of night.
Blessed is your memory
I call to those who died from hate. Those who were hurt by belief, from fueled fear twisted tight, unleashed upon those seen as different.
Blessed is your memory
I call to those who died by the power of the Mother. The winds and storm, the fueled fire, the sweeping strength of the Earth out of balance.
Blessed is your memory
I call to those who died from hunger, from preventable disease, unneeded harm. I call to those who died poverty stricken, struggling just to exist.
Blessed is your memory.
I remember you. I see you. I will not forget you. I will let the knowledge of this truth pass over and through me. I will remain, ready to to the work I am called to do.
Blessed is your memory.

I thank you for allowing me to wake up this morning
I thank you for my breath
I thank you for my body
I thank you for my journey
I thank you for those who brought me into the world
I thank you that all basic necessities are met on a daily basis(sunlight, water, the food on my table, the clothing on my back, my home, my mobility, my job.)
I thank you for my family (you can name one by one if you wish)
I thank you for my community (you can name then one by one if you wish)
I thank you for my comrades (you can name them one by one if you wish)
I thank you for my elders (you can name them one by one if you wish)
I thank you for.(you can add anything else you are thankful for)

I give praise to the universe
I give praise to mother earth
I give praise to all of nature and its beings
I give praise to all my guiding spirits
I give praise to my ancestors
I give praise to all that came before me in this struggle
I give praise to my elders
I give praise to all those who have cared for me, protected me, guided me and loved me
I give praise to.(add any others you wish to give praise to)

Protect me (us) from death
Protect me (us) from sickness
Protect me (us) from litigation
Protect me (us) from loss
Protect me from the hands of .(add anything else you want to be protected from)

I pray that for long life, good physical, spiritual and mental health
I pray for a cool head and coolness in the world
I pray for fortitude
I pray for resiliency
I pray for clarity
I pray for courage
I pray for a self-love

I pray for.(add anything else you pray for including people)