Prayer For Aids Day

God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, O good and
gracious God, You are the God of health and wholeness in the
plan of your creation, You call us to struggle in our sickness
and to cling always to the cross of your Son. O God, we are
your servants.
Many of us are now suffering wi th HIV or AIDS. We come
before you and ask you, if it is your holy will, to take this
suffering away from us, restore us to health and lead us to
know you and your powerful healing love of body and spirit.
We ask you also, to be with those of us who nurse your sick
ones. We are the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children
and friends of your suffering people.
It is so hard for us to see those whom we love suffer. You
know what it is to suffer. Help us to minister in loving care,
support, and patience for your people who suffer with HIV
and AIDS. Lead us to do whatever it will take to eradicate this
illness from the lives of those who are touched by it, both
directly and indirectly.
Trusting in you and the strength of your Spirit, we pray these
things in the name of Jesus. Amen

Lord, today we pray for all victims of aids. May you shine upon them and continue to provide them hope and relief throughout their ordeal. Amen.

My soul pleads for mercy, my heart is saddened by the stigma and discrimination around me, against me, and in me.

Who will listen as I scream? Who will see my tears?

No one but you, Oh God. My source of strength, you have chosen me.

You have seen my weakness and strength.

Let your voice bring hope from the highest mountain top.

Let your spirit take over me.

HIV has taken over my blood, but it has not taken my spirit away.

It has not taken my joy away. It has not taken my voice away.

Instead God has entrusted me to be the voice. Lord, you know I will fall. You know I will stumble along the way. You know my heart's desires. You know my heart's temptations. You know my thoughts and my every step.

Pick me up when I fall. Feed me when I am hungry. Quench me when I am thirsty. Clothe me when I am naked.

Love will overcome HIV. Love will be my source of strength. Love is unconditional and with no limits.

Love is food and a pure essence for the soul, the mind, and the spirit.

Love does not separate, discriminate, hate, or judge.

Love taught me to embrace my disease, to bring life and hope to those who have lost it.

Together with love, we can overcome. Together with love, our voices will be heard. Together with love, we can end this epidemic. It is a promise!

God, we lift up all those suffering from HIV and AIDS; bring your healing and restoration to their bodies. Help us to do our part in ministering in loving care, support, and patience for your people who suffer with HIV and AIDS. Lead us to do whatever it will take to eradicate this illness from the lives of those who are touched by it, both directly and indirectly. Trusting in you and the strength of your Spirit, we pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

I'm glad I can talk to you.
You're always there -
even when my head is somewhere else.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed
ashamed, afraid to face the future.

It's hard living with a stigma.
It's not what people say.
It's what they don't say.
It's the knowing smiles,
and the sheepish looks.
They all add up to a feeling of accusation.

I'm glad I can talk to you
Nothing surprises you.
You've been where I've been
You've felt the discrimination
Experienced the betrayal
the hurt
the name calling
the whispering in corners
the religious prejudice.

You make me feel whole again
You include me in
You make me feel understood
Your extravagant generosity
leaves me speechless.
Words fail me as I try to say
Thank you
You draw me
You give me a place in the picture
You tell me
I belong even when I can't believe.

Lord, you're unbelievable!

God of mercy and justice: Heal us from the ravages of HIV and AIDS that deplete immunity and make your children vulnerable to opportunistic infections.

Heal us Lord. Have mercy on us.

Heal broken hearts and relieve the grief that pains spirits and minds and leaves many to wonder about the meaning of life.

Heal us Lord. Have mercy on us.

Heal the psychological pain of HIV and AIDS, and the fear and hopelessness that can engulf and lead some to die before the virus kills.

Heal us Lord. Have mercy on us.

Heal the social stigma and discrimination that results in uncompassionate acts of isolation, and failure to provide quality care and prevention.

Heal us Lord. Have mercy on us.

Heal unhealthy relations that expose partners and spouses to HIV and AIDS infection, and renders some powerless to protect themselves.

Heal us Lord. Have mercy on us.

Heal the poverty that exposes millions to HIV and AIDS. Heal the exploitative social structures that condemn many to poverty and expose them to infection.

Heal us Lord. Have mercy on us.

Heal the violence that spreads HIV and AIDS. Heal the ethnic and civil wars. Heal domestic violence and the rape of women and children.

Heal us Lord. Make us and your church the instruments of your healing. Amen.

God, open our eyes to the systems around us that oppress, hold down, and disadvantage the most vulnerable in our society,
so that we may increase and abound in our love for one another and for all people.

God, open our ears to the myths, stereotypes, and lies that keep these systems going,
so that we may increase and abound in our love for one another and for all people.

God, open our mouths to challenging conversations about race, sex, and differences,
so that we may increase and abound in our love for one another and for all people.

God, open our hearts to the understanding that we are all affected by HIV/AIDS,
so that we may increase and abound in our love for one another and for all people.

God of Promise, today we are mindful of our sisters and brothers suffering with HIV and AIDS. We ask your healing presence on millions of people living with the disease today; particularly the children who are infected or who have been orphaned by the disease. Make of us a safe haven for those who are abandoned, discriminated against and rejected on account of their illness. Inspire us to speak out for a just distribution of health care and medical aid in this country and for generosity in sharing our resources with those struggling under the weight of this epidemic overseas.

As we begin our Advent celebration of waiting in hope for the birth of your Son, let us remember those across the world who wait in hope for a cure. Amen.