Prayer For A Good Job Interview

Lord of the Universe, you created this world and everything in it. You created my life and everything in it. It is you who gives the ability to work and the ability to produce wealth. Everything I have is a gift from you. Every breath that I breathe, word that I speak, and task that I carry out, is done through the strength you give me. Help me to rely completely on you as I approach my job interview. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

O Lord, my God, my faith will never be put to shame when my trust is in you. You have entrusted me with gifts, abilities and skills. You have given them to me to use for the purposes you have prepared for me in advance. Help me to demonstrate those gifts in my interview and use them effectively in this job. In everything I do, help me to glorify you. You commanded me to love you and love my neighbor as myself, help me to do that through this job. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Generous God, you are my provider, you give me everything I need. Prosperity is found in you. Help me to carry out this interview with the correct perspective on the job. My ultimate allegiance is to you. My primary job description is to walk in your ways, obey your commands and trust in the name of Jesus. Help me to do this and prosper in everything I do, wherever I go. If I am successful in the interview, help me to glorify you in this job. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

God of all truth, your word is living and active, your voice is powerful, your speech compassionate. Guard and guide my tongue today in my job interview. Help me to say what I want to say, help me to answer questions clearly and communicate effectively. Help me to listen well and connect with the people I meet. Help me to extend your love and grace to every person I encounter. Clear my mind and guide me in what I think, say and do. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Loving Father, you know my future. You make all things work together for my good. Help me to trust you as I go to my interview. Whatever the outcome, I know that you are still working for my good and your glory. Help me to do my best, knowing that my future is in your mighty hand. I do not know what is around the corner but nothing can take you by surprise. I face uncertainty but I can be certain that you are in control and that you are good. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

God of all wisdom, you have promised to give wisdom to anyone who asks. As I approach my interview please give me wisdom in my speech. Guide my thoughts and direct my steps. When I experience uncertainty and confusion, may I lean on your limitless wisdom. May your Holy Spirit be at work in me like a lamp to my feet and shield to my mind. Help me to think clearly and calmly. Help me to speak with confidence and clarity. Help me to glorify you in this interview. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Lord, I have been out of work for many months now. I cried out to you for favour and yesterday you opened up an interview for me Lord, for a very good post, the right job, in the right location and among the right people. Now lord I pray for your favour, that the result is positive, that I get this job.

Even as I wait for the decision to be made, I pray for your favour. Lord cancel out my mistakes in the interview; replace those wth your goodness; Lord let the dark and petty things fade away, Let the skills, and talents you have given me shine.And let them pick me for the position. I pray for my interviewees, bless them Lord direct them to make the right decision.

And as I wait for the call Lord, please calm my nerves, let me have your peace to know that all is well, that you have already given it to me, so that Lord, I can continue to sow in your kingdom and be a blessing to others. I receive your favour and peace Lord, for which I thank you and i take possession of the job. Amen

All-powerful God, I pray that you would give me success in my job interview. Give me confidence Lord, to speak clearly, and to answer the questions with wisdom. My confidence in life is not based on my own strength or performance but it is rooted in you. You are with me, you never leave my side. I can enter the interview with confidence because you are there with me. Everything I need is found in you. Please grant me a successful outcome. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.