Prayer For A Good Life Partner

Heavenly Father, I feel lonely and depressed. I see all of my friends finding love and starting a family, but I am unable to find the right person. As a Christian, I know that it is my duty to have a family one day. I strive to find the right partner in life, but none of my relationships seem to work out. I pray that you will help me find the right person and to be a good partner for them. Amen.

Lord, you have said that it is not good for man to be alone. I ask that you look into my heart and help me find a partner who matches me. I yearn to find someone that I can share my life with, so I pray that you will lead me to the right person. Teach me to guide and seek you first so that I will be able to love my partner fully and completely. Remind me that you are always present and have a plan for my life. Help me prepare for the future that you have in store for me and the partner that I will one day find. Amen.

Lord, please bless me with a partner in my life. Despite all of my efforts, I have failed to meet someone who I could share my life with. Each failed relationship makes me lose hope in ever finding the right partner. I pray that your divine guidance will help me find unconditional love. When I meet the right person, help me to deserve their trust and loyalty. Through your strength, help me to build a loving relationship. Help me to live a Godly life so that I am a person that my partner will deserve. I want to find meaning and love in my life, and I pray that you will help me find the love that I so desperately seek. Amen.

Lord, I ask that you guide me as I search for the right partner in life. I know that you have a plan for my life, so please help me be patient for the right person. As I wait, help me to become a responsible, capable person so that I may one day be a good, God-fearing partner. I know that I must be deserving of the right partner, so help me to learn from my shortcomings and improve myself so that I will be ready. As I grow deeper in my love for you, guide me toward finding love in someone else as well. Amen.

Help me understand that You Lord are the Godhead of the family and my man, the head of the household. Help me to submit myself truly and wholly to him in my family life.

May I give him due respect as head of the family. I commit myself to understanding and helping him in all aspects of life as he provides for the family.

Oh Lord and our God, be first and foremost in all decisions and promises we make as husband and wife. We pray this prayer and lift up our heartfelt desires in the blessed name of Jesus, Amen.

Lord, I pray for a God fearing, humble, gentle, faithful and loving man. May he be one filled with respect for women and protect them in all harm, trouble and afflictions. May You come first in his life and may he be one who leads a family to God.

Lord, I am willing to accept a man despite whatever his past is. May he come fully done away with his old bad habits. May His past be history as we take each other from the day we come together in a relationship.

In the same way, I pray Lord that he too will not see the old me but as someone good and renewed in Your hope and blessings.

May my past never be a hindrance to living my present life as a wife as I make amends to my old self and give myself wholly and truly to him.

Lord, help me assure my woman that I am responsible and able to provide for her needs. Help me prove that I am a gentleman and God-fearing and would be able to take care of her and protect her in all aspects of life, in good times and in bad.

May I daily make amends in all my shortcomings and make myself ready to give myself wholly and truly to a relationship.

May I grow in deeper love for You, my God, which will allow me to grow deeper in my relationship with her. Amen.

Lord, I pray for a woman of God, beautiful in heart, mind and soul. May she be faithful, loyal, sincere and noble in her thoughts and deeds.

Grant her patience. Let her be filled with love, humility and understanding for me and the family we will commit.

Give me wisdom to make and keep her happy and feeling protected. May she be one fearful in Your sight and be a woman faithful to prayer, praise and worship for You our God.

Let her heart be not worried or afraid of her past which is history and may her present self be in Your way of life. May she be devoted to prayer, family life and know the values of a family of God.