Prayer For A Financial Breakthrough

God of Strength, I confess that my financial woes are largely due to my lack of discipline in budgeting and spending and saving. I ask for a breakthrough in this area, so I can get ahead financially. I know that if I don't achieve mastery, I will struggle with money no matter how much I make. Please bless me with the fortitude I need to control my money. Amen.

Lord, my Waymaker, I desire to make more money than I have been. I ask You for substantial advancement in my earnings, so I can put my family on solid financial footing, prepare for the future, and, most importantly, contribute generously to the church and to Your work around the world. Guide me in the steps I need to take to move forward financially. Amen.

Miracle-Working Father, please work a revolution in my finances. Assist me to quickly take control of my money rather than my money controlling me. I repent of my own sins that led me into this mess, and I covenant that I will no longer neglect the role You have given me as manager of Your resources. Help me to be diligent in taking the action I need to take. Amen.

O Lord, my Divine Defender, I need Your help to break these chains of debt. I confess that I have been susceptible to marketing messages and have been overspending. I've allowed myself to drift into constant financial problems. I need a shift in my thinking and habits as well as wisdom for how to break these chains. Help me to get on top of my finances once and for all. Amen.

Architect of the Universe, I ask for Your aid in building up my family's financial security. I desire to see dramatic improvement from where things are now. I want to do better with finances for myself and my family. Help me to know the right things I need to do to make this happen. I no longer wish to live paycheck to paycheck and in constant bondage to debt. Amen.

I pray that the greed of money would not entrap my heart but I will only hunger and thirst after You and Your righteousness. May I shrewdly use what You have provided for me.

Help me to remember that as I am blessed, I should bless others as well. Remind me to lend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate. In Jesus' mighty name, I declare my financial breakthrough is here!! Amen.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus
I now believe and declare

Financial Prosperity is flowing my way
The Lord has granted me abundant prosperity

I am blessed in my finances
My finances are continually growing
My Economic territory is rapidly expanding
I am like a tree planted by streams of water
I am always producing fruit
And my leaves never fall

I radiate like flowers in the desert
Everything I do will be successful
Whatever I start will finish with success
The work of my hands is blessed
I will prosper in my job/business

I am the head and not the tail
I am at the top and never at the bottom

I believe all these things


Heavenly Father
In the Precious Name of Jesus
I come before your throne
To pray your Holy Word over my finances

According to Philippians 4:13, I believe that I can do anything through Christ that is my strength

And therefore According to Deuteronomy 8:18, I pray for you to give me the ability to produce wealth

According to Luke 6:38, Lord pour into my lap a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and that is running over. Give me Lord more than I can hold.

According to Malachi 3:10, Father open the floodgates of heaven, let your blessings pour so that I may have more than enough of everything.

According to Philippians 4:19, Lord, meet all my needs according to the riches of Your glory in Jesus.

Lord, release all financial blessings according to your will in my life and my household.

I believe, I trust and
I wait on you Lord.
