Prayer For Your Mom

God of Enduring Faithfulness, my mother and I have a special bond. She brought me into this world. She has protected me and loved me ever since. She has stuck with me through the good and bad of life. Please continue to nurture our relationship and build our friendship. Please make Your love the core of our relationship. Please give us faith in the journey ahead. Help us work together joyously. Amen.

Jesus, my Great Healer, please bring health to my mother. Fill her with vitality so that she breathes easily and walks effortlessly on this earth. May You heal her wounds and protect her from further hurt. Gracious God, I ask this with a passionate and loving heart. Please shield my mother from pain, just as she has shielded and protected me. I ask this in Your awesome name, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for giving me the gift of a lifetime; my mother. Hers is the greatest human love I will ever know. She is always putting my needs first. Teaching me, and showing me, what is just and what is worthy. It is Your will to leave life's prints, on the generations You give forth: Forgiveness that comes naturally. Seeking within for all answers. Knowing that the universe respects a pure heart. I am humbled by the experience of following my heart in moments of joy and inspiration. Thank You for giving me the gift of a lifetime; my mother.
Also God, please bless all moms today. Grant them strength, health, joy, grace, laughter, freedom from guilt, and hope for the future. Give them a hunger to know Your love, to love You more, and to follow You every day. Amen.

Lord, give each mother a worshipful reverence of you, the Creator and Sustainer of life. Help each mother to rest in the knowledge that they are but stewards of your children and that only your Spirit can produce change into the hearts of each boy and girl. May each mother find rest in you. amen

Dear Father, we approach your throne on behalf of the mothers whom you have entrusted with the care of your most precious little ones. We thank you for creating each mom with a unique combination of gifts and talents. We thank you for the sacrifice of self each mom gives for her children. For the late nights spent rocking a colicky infant. For the hands calloused from washing, wiping, scrubbing, mixing, backing, stirring, hugging, patting, disciplining, holding, writing, erasing, painting, and pouring. amen

Lord, thank you for blessing me with my mom. I know sometimes I am not the perfect child. I know I challenge her a lot with my views and actions, but I also know that You have given me to her so she can love me.

I pray, Lord, that you continue to bless her with patience for me as I grow up and become more independent. I ask You to give her a sense of peace about my choices and to allow us to talk about the things that sometimes come between us. AMEN

Lord, I just want to lift up to you. Please give her Your wisdom and guide her along her path as a [wife, mother, sister and friend]. I ask that You'd help her by providing strength, encouraging her and guiding her as she finds balance in her life. God, I truly value her and I pray that You'd help her be the mother and woman You'd like her to be. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Good and Gentle God,
we pray in gratitude for our mothers and for all the women of theory who have joined with you in the wonder of bringing forth new life. You who became human through a woman, grant to all mothers the courage they need to face the uncertain future that life with children always brings. AMEN