Prayer For Your Best Friend

Think, O God, of our friend who is ill, whom we now commend to Your compassionate regard. Comfort her upon her sickbed, and ease her suffering. We beg for deliverance, and submit that no healing is too hard for the Lord, if it be His will. We therefore pray that You bless our friend with Your loving care, renew her strength, and heal what ails her in Your loving name.

Thank You, Lord.


Dear Father,

I treasure my wonderful friends so much. Thank you for their presence in my life. I ask that you would watch over them and lead them into hope and blessing. I trust that you will protect and hold them when life is hard. Lord, help me to be a good friend to them.


Dear God, I have a friend who's now in pain. This is a difficult time for his/her life, so I ask You to be with him/her. Show him/her Your mercy and send forth Your healing hands to him/her.

I know, Lord, that no disease is ever too much for You to heal. You shall allow no affliction, whether physical, mental, or emotional, to stay with us forever. I trust in You, God, and Your mighty power to restore my friend's body and mind back to normal.

Thank You also for blessing my friend with skilled doctors to help him/her on his road to recovery. Thank You for giving them intelligent minds and compassionate hearts to serve my friend during his/her time of illness. Continue to anoint them with Your wisdom, God, that they may provide correct diagnoses and prescribe the right medicine.

We continue to trust in Your timing, Father God. Continue to work Your restoration through his/her body. Renew his/her strength soon that he/she may continue to serve You and share Your love with the people around him/her. All these we ask in Your Name, Amen.

I give thanks for my friends, for connection and laughter, for comfort and strength, for encouragement and unity, for forgiveness and grace, for celebration and joy. They are so many things to me, such a rich tapestry of blessings, woven through my life. Thank you.


When the Lord turned around the captivity of the captive, they were like them that dreamed. Dear Lord, may you turn around the captivity of this good friend of mine and give her a new song. A song of victory, a song of triumph. It shall be well with you.

Stay blessed.


Thank you for my special friend. I love her so and pray for your blessing to be upon her.Fill up her life with your goodness. Pour out your hope into her heart. Come revive her with showers of love, And bathe her in your grace. May she drink in your truth and goodness, And live a life full of joy.


My prayer for you dear friend is that the Lord will turn your weeping into dancing. He will give you a reason to not just smile but laugh again. The Lord will see you through this difficult situation and comfort you on all sides.


Lord, I come before you today knowing that all power is in Your hand. I know that you are the Lord and that you care for your people. Right now, my friend is struggling with a difficult trial. I can see her strength is faltering, Lord, and know that you have all of the strength that she needs.

I pray that you will reach down and touch her right now wherever she is at this moment. Let your presence fill the room where she is and let her feel an extra portion of your strength that can help her to get through this day. She needs you now, Lord, and I thank you in advance for meeting her where she is and shoring up her strength during this difficult time. In Jesus' name. Amen.