Prayer For Your Boss

Dear All, kindly pray for God to anoint my Boss Winson with wisdom to get good quality leads for all our calling sessions. Open doors for leads that will lead to sales closings and closed doors for those that wont. Pray for God to open doors for trustworthy suppliers who are able to supply good quality leads and closed doors for the wrong suppliers. Pray for God to anoint us with success and victory in our Business and working partnerships. Thanks for praying. God Bless You!

Father God, I pray today for my supervisor and for all those who you have been given authority over me at . I pray that you would bless each of them and that you would meet the needs that they have according to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. I pray specifically also for my supervisor today that you would be in the midst of all interactions today.

I pray that you would grant success in the work that you have called them to do as a supervisor and that you would help make good decisions that will help our department grow in the right direction and build good and healthy relationships among all employees.

May be open to new ideas that our department employees may bring to the table to help make our work more effective and may through that openness may our department have more unity. Lead by your spirit today.

I pray that you will help me to be an encourager of and that there will be a mutual respect that we have for one another whether we agree to disagree with everything or not.

I pray that you will help me to submit to authority and to be open to constructive criticism from .

Lord if there is anything going on in life that may be causing any stress or tension that would affect ability to be fair today or to communicate in a way that would please you, I pray that you would move in whatever the situation may be.

I pray for health and relationships with all employees and with boss as well as husbands, wives, children and all family members. I pray for finances, and most importantly, that know you and fulfill the purpose and calling that you have ordained for life.

Let my light shine today so that will see Christ in me and if does not know you may my character and conduct draw them to know you because you said in your word that if you be lifted up that you would draw all men unto you so if my life lifts you up then you will draw unto to you by your spirit.

I pray with great expectation. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

Lord, I pray for my boss.
Give him the courage to do Your will. Deliver
him from all selfish considerations. Lift him
above the claims of pettiness. Save him
from those who could lead this company to ruin.

Strengthen his supervisors. Cleanse every
ignoble thought. Bless him with Christian values.
Guide all his decisions and efforts. Bless this
company and all those who work for its common
good. Help us to grow and nurture one another,
so that we may continue to share and benefit
from the fruits of our labor. Amen.

Dear God: Thank your for blessing me with a job. Thank you for giving me an employment opportunity which provides the financial means necessary to take care of myself and my family. Thank you for food on the table, a roof
over my head and clothes on my back. Thank you for all that you are and all that you have ever been within my life.

Dear God: I am asking for help. I am asking for wisdom and grace.
Within the job that I have, I am experiencing a difficult season. I have a bad boss who is making life very uneasy for me. My boss is acting unprofessional and unethical. My boss is dragging my name through the mud and is constantly threatening the success of my future. My boss is the epitome of a bad boss. My boss is hateful and mean. My boss is unjust and not a good person.

Dear God: I know that everything happens for a reason. While I'm going through this difficult season I know that it is just that - a season. I know that you are preparing me for my destiny and calling here on earth.

Dear God: Please allow me to remain unaffected.

Dear God: Please don't allow the negative condemning words spoken over me and about me by my boss to take root within my mind and spirit.

Dear God: Help me to keep you first in my life. Let me mind stay focused on you. From the time I rise up in the morning until the time I go to bed at night.

Dear God: Keep me focused on you.

Dear God: As the enemy uses this bad boss to defeat me let your glory be shown within my responses and interactions.

Dear God: Let them kingdom be magnified and the enemy be defeated.

I thank you God for your love and protection.

I thank you for ordering my steps and taking me to the next level.

I thank you for this and so much more.

Glory hallelujah and all praises be unto you. In your mighty son Jesus name I honor and praise you from now and forever more. Amen.

Dear God of all,

I come to you today lifting up my boss or supervisor to you. I pray that you will develop in him/her all of the skills and qualities needed to lead our work team well.

I pray that he/she will have the leadership skills of Moses, the bravery and vision of David, the wisdom of Solomon, the patience of Job and the perseverance of Paul. I pray that he/she will ask for and receive good advice as it says in Proverbs: A wise man listens to advice. (Proverbs 12:15 NIV) and Many advisors make victory sure. (Proverbs 11:14 NIV)

Grant my boss or supervisor a good understanding of the problems and fixes for our workplace and business issues. Give them a good view of the overall picture and a solid business plan for the present and future.

May my boss or supervisor value the hard work and efforts of the work team. Help him/her see the strengths of each worker and help them to encourage the development of new skills in areas where each worker may need help.

Grant a workplace characterized by respect and cooperation. May my boss or supervisor take a leading role in recognizing and appreciating the efforts of each member of the work team as they acknowledge jobs well done.

May my boss or supervisor be filled with honesty, fairness, discernment, kindness and good humor. May he/she be a good listener who has an open door to the work team, making themselves available to hear out concerns from the work team and support the employees.

Give them wisdom and discernment when dealing with conflicts between work team members. Help them hear out both sides and find workable solutions that will help improve the efficiency and atmosphere of the workplace.

Strengthen and help my boss or supervisor during times of stress. Grant them a good life balance in their work, family and faith. Teach them the value of delegating well, save them from micromanaging and show them when to roll up their sleeves and pitch in when the work load demands it.

Help me as a member of the work team to do my best at the tasks assigned me. Show me how to adapt to my boss's management style so that we might work well together for the sake of our company, our mission and our livelihoods. May you grant us success in all that we put our hands to do together.

Although I work under my boss or supervisor, help me to live out what it says in the Bible: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3: 23,24 NIV)


Lord, help my boss and me to establish a working relationship of trust. Help him/her to see that I am responsible and able to handle tasks and complete assignments on my own.

Give them confidence in my ability to do my job and to follow direction. Show me ways that I can help to establish trust and confidence with my boss. Reveal to me how I can give assure that I can do my job.

Help my boss to deal with any pressure or insecurity that he/she may be receiving from his/her own boss that is causing the micromanagement of others.

Lord, help my boss to shift his focus from my weaknesses to my strengths. Help him to see the qualities I possess that are beneficial to this company. Help me to work on my weaknesses in a way that my boss is able to see my progress and be confident in may ability.

Show me areas where my sregnths can be used more and ways that I can become better in my areas of weakness. May I be confident in you, knowing that I can do anything as long as you are here helping me

Lord, I feel unappreciated. I work hard and go over and beyond, and my boss doesn't even seem to notice.

Help me to remain confident in my hard work and ability, regardless of the validation that I may or may not receive from others. Help me to trust that if I continue to work hard that you will cause those who are supposed to take notice to see the work that I have done. Let the opinion of others not be the source of my success, but instead trust that you see all I do and will cause me to succeed.