Prayer For Worried Mind

Dear God, I am plagued with things that are going wrong. I am worried about my job and my family, my finances and my relationships. Lord, everything seems to be crashing in around me at the same time and I am simply coming to You as I have no where else to turn.

I know that You are the God of Peace and Love, and I come to You because fear of the future is causing me to worry and fear. I know that it is not Your will that Your children are distressed about the things of this life. I know that You have told us not to fear and yet it is hard when life is becoming so difficult.

Help me, Lord, not to be so worried. Help me to fix my mind on You rather than the concerns of life. Help me to trust You in all these difficulties, knowing You will carry me on Your shoulders. Thank You, Lord,


Heavenly Father, too often I lie awake at night and find that am unable to catch hold of sleep, because my mind continues to toss and turn over all the problems of the day which seem to swirl around my mind, when I know that I should be sleeping soundly.

Lord, I know that You have fashioned our bodies in such a way that they need a daily cycle of rest, refreshment and rejuvenation, and I pray that You would enable me to hand over all my worries and concerns to You day by day, and especially when I lie down to sleep at night-time.

Thank You, Father, that as my heavenly Shepherd You have promised to lead me beside the still waters, to make me to lie down safely in green pastures, to restore my soul and to give me Your beloved sleep in its proper time.

Thank You, Lord, for the many precious promises You give to all Your children, and I pray that tonight and in the days ahead, that I will both lie down and sleep soundly on my bed at night in peace, for You alone can make me to dwell in safety. This I ask in the name of Jesus,


Dear God, I remember reading in Your Word that one of the kings of Israel had a very disturbing letter. He was so worried that he laid it our before You, and asked for Your help.

God, I have received a terrible letter as well, that has caused me so much worry and so much pain. Lord Jesus, I don't know who to turn to, but I am laying it out before You and asking You to support me through this difficult problem that I have to face.

Thank You that I can come to You, and thank You that You are the same yesterday, today and forever. Intervene I pray on my account, and may justice be done in this issue, to Your praise and glory. I am trusting You in this and place my letter before You. In Jesus' name,


Father God,

Sometimes I feel I can not face tomorrow, it is hard to keep going with such anxious thoughts running through my mind.
I ask for your peace to flood my being, that each moment I would surrender these worries, fears and anxieties to you.
I ask for your presence to walk with me through each part of my day, that I would not feel alone but know that I am loved.
And I ask for your strength to wake me each morning and keep me going. May I trust in you to see me through, lead me to calmer seas, balance and rest in heart, mind, body and soul.

You are all I need.


O Father,

Your life in me brings stillness to my turmoil.
Your life in me brings clarity to my confusion.
Your life in me brings wisdom to my worry.
Your life in me brings contentment to my striving.
You life in me brings gentleness to my anger.
Your life in me brings patience to my panic.
Your life in me brings hope to my suffering.
Your life in me brings faith to my frustration.
Your life in me brings such heavenly treasure into my heart
And enables me to navigate a peaceful path.
In you I find strength for my journey.

O Lord, I am wound up inside.
I feel I can not continue to meet the demands placed upon me.
I am close to burn out and I fear I may buckle under the weight of these worries.
I am tired of carrying this stress around, I so need to find some peace.

So I come to you.
To rest in your Father heart,
Shelter in your Almighty hand,
And cling to your promise of peace.

I trust that you can lead me to a new place,
Take the fabric of my life and weave in new colours.
I look to you.
I dwell on your words.
I open my heart.

Please restore me.


"Dear God, I feel so anxious about what's going on in my life -- and what I'm afraid might happen to me in the future -- that I spend a lot of time and energy worrying. My body is suffering with [mention symptoms like insomnia, headaches, an upset stomach, shortness of breath, a racing heartbeat, etc.). My mind is suffering with [mention symptoms like nervousness, distraction, irritability, and forgetfulness). My spirit is suffering with [mention symptoms like discouragement, fear, doubt, and hopelessness). I don't want to live this way anymore. Please send the miracle I need to find peace in the body, mind, and spirit that you have given me!

My all-knowing Father in heaven, please give me the wisdom to see my concerns from the right perspective so they won't overwhelm me. Remind me often of the truth that you are much greater than any situation that concerns me -- so I can entrust any circumstance in my life to you, instead of worrying about it. Please give me the faith I need to believe that and trust you with whatever worries me.

From this day forward, please help me develop the habit of turning my worries into prayers. Whenever an anxious thought enters my mind, ask my guardian angel to alert me to the need to pray about that thought rather than worrying about it. The more I practice praying instead of worrying, the more I can experience the peace you want to give me. I choose to stop assuming the worst about my future and start expecting the best, because you're at work in my life with your great love and power.

I believe that you will help me manage any situation that worries me. Help me distinguish between what I can control and what I can't -- and help me take helpful actions on what I can, and trust you to handle what I can't. As Saint Francis of Assisi famously prayed, "make me an instrument of your peace" in my relationships with other people in every situation I encounter.

Help me adjust my expectations so that I'm not putting pressure on myself unnecessarily, worrying about things that you don't want me to be concerned about -- like trying to perfect, presenting an image to others that doesn't reflect who I really am, or trying to get other people to be the way I'd like them to be or do what I'd like them to do. As I let go of unrealistic expectations and accept the way my life really is, you will give me the freedom I need to relax and trust you in deeper ways.

God, please help me find a solution to each real problem that I face, and stop worrying about the "What if?" problems that may never happen in my future. Please give me a vision of the peaceful future of hope and joy that you have planned for me. I look forward to that future, because it comes from you, my loving Father. Thank you! Amen."

Lord, please touch the hearts of those crying out in desperation, in search for an answer.

We beseech you to give us the patience we need to weather the storm as we feel your comfort and warm embrace while you ease our worrying minds. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen.