Prayer For Worried Mothers

Lord, I release my children to Your care and protection, and I relinquish my will for them in favor of Your will. I know I can't go everywhere my child goes, but I know You do. Please protect them. Give us wisdom for how to parent well. Give us peace in Your goodness toward our children and your love for us. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Father, You are powerful to hold the future in Your hands. The direction of our lives is no more predictable to us than our children's lives. We trust You with all of it, and praise You for the perfect way You have designed each human life.

We praise You for blessing us with motherhood, and the intentional way it matures our faith in You. Your all-knowing hand pulls families together in Your time and will, which is perfect and unchanging. There is no love that is an accident or outside Your will, because You are love. Each child, each person was created on purpose with purpose. Praise You that we get to take part in the greatest love story of all time.

Thank you for our children. They bless us in ways that our hearts know but our heads cannot make sense of. The forgiving grace in our hearts for our children is only a thread of the love You have for us and them. Help us to remember that You loved our babies before we did and infinitely more than we do. We can trust You with their lives, and ask the strength of Your Holy Spirit to help us lead them to Your loving arms.

Forgive us for our human strain of impatience, control, worry and anxiety. The very things we try to prevent our children from suffering sometimes happen anyway, and that's a very hard thing to understand. We ask You to help us trust You more. Bless our hearts with great faith, daily steps of obedience, and lives full of evident trust in Your love.

Bless us with reciprocal love from our children. Help us to love them through all circumstances with appropriate apology and steadfast discipline. May the love we show for You be evident to them. Bless our lives to uphold Your truth and the testimony of Your Son--Our Savior--Jesus, to the best of our ability on this earth. Send Your Spirit to help us remember Your Word, and applicably pull it from the tucked-in places of our hearts, to point our children in the right direction. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Dear Father in heaven,

I come before you today with a heart filled with worry. I worry about my children. I worry about their future. I worry about harm coming to them. I worry about failing them as a mom. I worry about so many things. I find myself consumed by my worries. They keep me up at night, and I think about them all during the day.

So I come to you today because you are my Maker and Creator. You know my frame, my weaknesses, and my frailties. You know my inward thoughts. You know my sin. You know when a sparrow falls from the sky and know the number of hairs on my head. You know all things, and you also rule over all things. You are the King of Kings the ruler of the universe. You sustain all things, and by your word everything is held together.

But you are not a distant ruler; you are my Abbamy Father. Through Christ, I have been adopted into your family. I have the privilege of coming before you, and you hear me. Because you are my Father, you don't want me to worry. I know that such worry is sinful because it keeps my heart distracted and turned from you. Forgive me for worrying. Forgive me for looking to my worries rather than seeking you. Forgive me for all the ways that I seek to control the things I worry about. Forgive me for trying to find peace in anything apart from you.

I know that you love me as much as you love your Son, Jesus. Help me to remember that and dwell on it. Help me to see just how much you love and provide for meso much so that you gave me your Son. Help me to look at and truly see all the ways that you watch over and care for me and my family. Help me to rejoice in that and to give you thanks.

Hear my prayer today and all the cares that are on my heart. I entrust them into your hands, knowing that you will do what is good and right and best, for you are a good Father. Take my worries and give me your peace in return.

Because of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Lord, please fill me with your grace so that I may be restored and renewed in my role as a mother. Help me to remember that I do not have to do this alone that you are with me to strengthen and guide me.

Dear Lord, I know you have a plan for my child and I thank you and praise you for allowing me the gift of being his/her mother. I am frustrated because I want to see the fruits of my labor, Lord. Please give me the patience to continue being obedient to your word in raising my child. Teach me to wait in hope and confidence for you to make your will known in your time.

My Papa in Heaven,

I come to you with a heart heavy and full of so many worries and cares. I want to just curl up on your lap and find some peace from the chaos in my life. My worries fill my mind night and day. My stomach is in knots and I can hardly breathe. I feel like I am drained dry; the joy has been sucked right out of me.

But you said to come to you with all my burdens. You said that you will carry them. You tell us you are a rock, a shield, a fortress. I need a rock right now. I need a fortress to run into right now. I need you.

There are so many decisions to make. What if I make the wrong one? So many bad things loom on the horizon. What if I'm not prepared? Help me to focus my heart on you and not on the giants around me. I know that all these worries are keeping me from trusting you. Like Peter, instead of looking toward your face, I am looking around at the waves encircling me.

Forgive me for doubting and not living a life of trust. I believe, but please help my unbelief! I know that when I worry, I am believing a lie that says that I can control what happens in my life. Forgive me for trying to control something I never really had control of. Help me to trust in your word and not the lies.

You sent your Son to carry my greatest burden at the cross. I know that you can handle all that troubles me today. There is nothing too great for you, the earth is your footstool and the wind and rain come and go at your command. Free me of this worry today. Help me to trust the same grace that saved me at the cross to save me from all that weighs me down.

I know that you have a perfect plan for my life. Help me to walk by faith and not by sight. I want to trust in your plan and your love for me. I want to face the unknown future confident that you have it under control. Grant me the grace I need.

Thank you for Jesus and that because of him I can come to you in confidence. You accept me as I am, worries and all. I give them all to you now, in Jesus's name, Amen.

Lord, I trust in you and lean on you. I thank you for your mercy and provision for me and my family. I come to you again and ask that your will be done in this situation we are currently facing. Guard my heart and my mind and keep me focused on your will. Lord, please send your Holy Spirit to breathe your peace into my soul and walk with me on this journey.

Heavenly Father, I come to you today, humble and exhausted, and ask that you carry my burdens. I pray that you lift my weary spirit and fill me with your love and peace so that I may be restored and renewed in body and mind. Lord, pour your heavenly nourishment into my soul and give me the energy to sustain me in my role as a mother.