Prayer For Wish

Please God, give him courage and peace of mind at the same time and let him realize how much me and my child adores and loves him. Dear LORD, it seems very important for our relation to grow without any insecurities and restore our faith in the marriage which cannot happen without your blessing. Amen

Dear lord,
I wish i have a healthy baby. I believe in you. Saint jude my special patron grant me awish, i hope i can see my baby pls. Give me asign. Thankyou! Amen

O God, (I hope these come true) I wish that Broadway keeps my favorite musicals forever and brings back original ideas. And I want my book to save Broadway because I believe it could. I also wish that I could reunite with my 2 friends Lisa Patel & Corrine Kelly because I am friendless. I also want to see My favorite singer John Lloyd Young because I miss him a lot. I also want a lot of good luck for myself because I need it. Also I wish that I could take Corrine to NYC because she hasn't been there and she hasn't seen a musical at all. I hope these come true because I have faith and I believe in god. Please answer these prayers because It'll make me happy. I can trust you god.

Lord please help me to grant my wish to keep the relationship of two years between my boyfriend and I going strong. Please help us to relive the stress and the heartbreaks we've been through with people just to spend time together. I'm going off to college soon and please grant help me be able to spend some time with him before I go off to school. Lord in your mercy , you know this is the one I want to marry. The one who can make me feel at my absolute highest and lowest times of my life . He loves me just as much as I love him and we wish to do is be happy in a relationship with one another . Please help us , please help us. I trust in you , I know you will help see us through . This man means everything to me , he is one of my savior's my protectors , my soulmate , my Bestfriend . Please pray for us and help us to stay happy together. As well as helping us to see each other more often. I really pray that we can spend time together before I head off to school and he does too. Please help the both of us

St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael, please be with me today. Please hear and answer my prayers with your divine grace, intervention, and kindness, I love you all, please help me so that my prayer requests all come true quickly, Amen.

Lord God in know sometimes i forget to pray and attend mass but i always yhink of u Lord God u know that i am asking you again my Lord God to help ke grand my wish to have my residency ive been waiting for 6 years to get it Lord please help me thank u Lord God u are my saviour and my strenght ilove u God

Hail mary, full of grace; the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now (pause and pray Heavenly Father with Mama Mary, we lift up to you all the wishes of my brothers and sisters who are praying right now, say your personal intentions, then continue the prayer) and at the hour of our death. Amen.

O lord , please grant me this wish. It may sound rude, but i feel my husband needs to realize that his school- love who contacted him last year does not love him , was just playing with his emotions and he got carried away.

He caused disappointment in our relation and even our child had to suffer the dejection. He still emotionally tries to get linked to her , which is not good for our relation of 14 years together. Please lord this very moment , give him that strength and courage to cut away all contacts and emotions with this school-ladylove and get rid of all photographs he has of her in computer, mails, facebook etc.

Please God, give him courage and peace of mind at the same time and let him realize how much me and my child adores and loves him. Dear LORD, it seems very important for our relation to grow without any insecurities and restore our faith in the marriage which cannot happen without your blessing.

I have full faith , that my prayer will be answered, because i have no ill feeling toward her too. I pray that she too leads a happy , peaceful and satisfied life with her husband. Thank you Father. Your child . Amen