Prayer For Wisdom In The Bible

Father, Your wisdom is pure. Pure. Free of additives. It never is wisdom plus something. It is a rock solid lasting truth. We're so foolish. Looking for worldly knowledge to somehow work along-side or replace Your wisdom. Forgive us, Father. Help me to see through worldly lies. Help me to know and live by Your peace-loving, gentle, humble, servant wisdom. Just saying that makes me realize how different it is from the world's way that tells us to take care of number one. No more. By Your grace, I will live for Your glory and follow Your wisdom.

Teach me Your truth and bless me with the courage and strength I need to follow it faithfully. I long for insight and understanding . . . gifts are given through Your Spirit. I will study Your Word and learn Your commands, and with Your Spirit's help, I will do my best to glorify You and obey. Help me, Father. I know Your ways are best. Give me all I need to trust and obey. Amen.

Father, forgive me. I have divided loyalty. I want to have faith in you alone. And, I want to trust your truth and wisdom, but voices coax and pull me with half-truths, okay lies really, and I listen. I'm so sorry. I'm tired. I want Your wisdom. Please help me. Grow my faith. Help me know that You are who You say You are, that You can and will do what You say and that Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life. I surrender my life to You, my Lord and my God. Amen.

Loving Father, Your word is the source of wisdom and godly direction. It is a lamp to my feet and a constant light to my path. Help me develop a love for Your word and a craving to meditate on it regularly. In the Bible, I can find solid principles to help me live wisely and to help me pursue the right kind of life. Help me understand the Bible and draw learnings that can put me on the right map and help me make good, solid choices in this life. Amen.

I need good judgment that helps me know and follow Your will. Help me set safe boundaries. Keep me from foolishly getting as close as I can to worldly thinking that goes against your Word. I want to know Your will. I want to fulfill Your plans and purposes. Truly, I want to serve You with all I am and all I have. I want to live for Your glory. I want the joy that comes from living for You alone. But Father, I need Your grace. On my own, I can't. But by Your grace through Jesus, I can anything You have prepared for me. Help me Lord, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

Glorious One, You are worthy of all praise. And You desire for me to honor You, not just in the significant areas of my life, but even in the seemingly trivial aspects. I know that success in life will always be rooted in You so help me to remember this and to constantly prioritize You in my life. Give me the wisdom to make careful choices with You in mind, and to take steps and pursue directions that honor and glorify You. Amen.

Father, You have granted me grace and mercy beyond what I deserve. You alone are worthy of my offering and my worship. Help me Lord to live a life that is pleasing to You and that aligns with your perfect plan for my life. Give me the wisdom to determine the wrong influences that will take me down the wrong path and help me avoid them. You know what is best for me so nurture in me the desire and diligence to seek Your will. Amen.

Loving Lord, I desire to learn more of You and have a heart and mind that is focussed upon Jesus. I long to grow in grace and in a knowledge of Him, and so I pray that You would develop in me a deep desire to diligently study Your Word and learn to apply the truths and principles within my own life, to Your praise and glory.

But Father, I don't just want to have a head knowledge of biblical statistics, but a heart knowledge of biblical truth and godly love. I want to live my life in a way that is pleasing to You, and be used by You as a witness to Your grace and goodness, as a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable unto You.

Help me to read and retain all that I learn from Your Word, and may I learn to live like the Lord Jesus, in total dependence upon You, to Your praise and glory. This I ask in Jesus' name,
