Prayer For Wife At Work

How I thank You for the love my wife has for You Lord, and for the quiet strength she demonstrates in her prayerfulness. Thank You for the example she is to me and to others, of a woman who has placed Jesus at the rightful centre of her life, and home.

Lord, there was a time when I did not understand and was a little confused, irritated and even jealous of her prayer-life, but Lord, thank You for showing me the amazing gift that I have received from You in the person of my praying wife, and also for the amazing grace and gift of prayer that You have bestowed on her.

Lord, just as her prayers have so often sustained me as I have faced some of life's difficulties, I now lift up my precious wife to You in grateful praise asking that You would sustain her and encourage her in her prayer life. Be her rock and support, especially in those times when she may become weary of well-doing. Show me Lord, how I may be supportive toward her and thank You Father, for giving me my praying wife. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, thank You for the wife that You have been gracious to give me and thank You for the wonderful institution of marriage where a man and a woman becomes one flesh.

Help me to cleave to my wife as You have instructed in Your Word, and may we grow ever closer to each other and to You as we daily spend time in fellowship with one and other and in You presence, together.

May she grow strong in the Lord and in the power Your might, and protect her mind and thoughts I pray, from the influences of the world. Help her to fix her heart and mind on the Lord Jesus and may she continue to place her full trust and hope in You.

Give her a gentle spirit and a tender heart and may she become more and more a woman where her inner beauty shines out as the example of one who loves and fears the Lord. And help me to be a good and loving husband, so that together we can witness to Your authority in our lives and marriage. In Jesus' name I pray,


Thank you for my wife. Thank you for the privilege of walking hand in hand on life's journey with her. I pray that you would be like a cloak of love around her shoulders, that your truth would guide her every step, and that your hope would leap out of each new breath she takes. Come Lord and enfold her, lift her and guide her into goodness and grace. Each day may I know that you are with us, you are at work in our union and you are weaving your Kingdom into our lives. Amen.

Dear Lord, Show me how to be a better husband. Sometimes I feel that I have lost the love of my wife. We are so often stressed and tired by daily life. We struggle to find the energy to care for each other. Help us to find the excitement and chemistry of our love again. Help us to connect afresh and communicate better. Inspire my heart to be the first to initiate. Inspire my thoughts to surprise her with attention. I give you the hurt I feel inside sometimes. I ask for forgiveness for the times my words or actions hurt her. With you we can always find new beginnings. With you we can remember the good times and renew our love together. You know us both as individuals and as a couple. You are journeying with us in our marriage. Guide us through this season of difficulty into the warmth of summer. Guide our lives to find new adventures to share together. Remind us both of our first love for each other. Remind me to be the first to forgive, The first to love and the first to act. That she may again fall in love with me. Amen.

Heavenly Father, My family are so precious. They are such a joy and such a blessing. Thank you for leading me to marry this wonderful woman and for watching over and guiding our love through the years. Thank you for my children, for the wonderful times we have shared as they have grown and developed within your care. Please watch over them all, keep them so safe and cover them with your everlasting love. Thank you for being Father of us all. Amen.

Father, Watch over my beloved wife Keep her safe Sing songs of love to her soul Fill her heart Renew her with health and strength Hold her steady Inspire her mind with hope Guide her footsteps Bless her day with happiness and laughter Thank you for her Amen

Dear Lord, Thank you for my wife. Thank you for the privilege of walking hand in hand on life's journey with her. I pray that you would be like a cloak of love around her shoulders, that your truth would guide her every step, and that your hope would leap out of each new breath she takes. Come Lord and enfold her, lift her and guide her into goodness and grace. Each day may I know that you are with us, you are at work in our union and you are weaving your Kingdom into our lives. Amen.

Lord, I pray for your peace to rule richly in my marriage and in my home. You said in your Word that the peace you give passes all understanding. I receive that peace right now. I choose to let the peace of Christ rest in my heart. As the peace of Christ rest in my heart, it will extend to my marriage.