Prayer For Wife On Her Birthday

I thank God for giving me such a beautiful woman like you. You make my world stand out amongst others. Thank you very much. As it's your birthday, the Lord will surprise you with that thing you've been longing to have. Happy birthday, babe.

Thank God I didn't listen to people's filthy talks when I wanted to marry you. Now, I would have been dead or suffering. Thanks for the beautiful children you've given me. You'll never be stranded. Go from glory to glory. Happy birthday, my woman.

My life would have been a load of a mess if I had not met you. You came to turn my life around and change my world for the best. As you celebrate today, see all your wishes coming to pass. Happy birthday, Wifey.

Dear God, I praise you daily that you gave me [wife's name], and especially today on her birthday. Thank you for her great love for you and for others. My prayer for her is that she would grow to be more like Christ and to know deeply the love that He has for her. In His Name and for His glory, Amen

Today I pray a prayer for you, my dear wife, on your birthday: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. The words of Jesus in John 14:27.

Dear God, Thank you for my wonderful wife! Please bless [wife's name] today and over the next year with the strength that she needs for her work, a deeper relationship with you, and contentment in everything she does. Amen

Dear Father, Thank you for giving me my wife, for everything that she is to me, to our family and to everyone who knows her. Bless her with happiness on her birthday and joy in You for the coming year. In Jesus' Name, Amen

"To my loving wife, I wish you a happy birthday coupled with loads of good fortune. Have a blast!
My life would have been a load of a mess if I had not met you. You came to turn my life around and change my world for the best. As you celebrate today, see all your wishes coming to pass. Happy birthday, Wifey.
No one makes me happy and excited than you. With you, I've conquered the world. Today and for the rest of your life, you shall not suffer loss. Amen. Have a great birthday, darling.
. It's another year of greatness, fulfilment, endorsement, happiness, promotion, and all that you yearn for. Amen. A beautiful birthday to you, love.
Thank God I didn't listen to people's filthy talks when I wanted to marry you. Now, I would have been dead or suffering. Thanks for the beautiful children you've given me. You'll never be stranded. Go from glory to glory. Happy birthday, my woman."