Prayer For Widows

Father God,

I lift the precious moms up to you who are carrying not only babies and children in their arms, but grief in their heartstheir own grief as well as the grief of their children. Her days are long and hard. She is exhausted physically and emotionally. Please bring friends and family to walk alongside of her in practical ways. You promise to assist those who have no help and bless those who bless the widow (Deuteronomy 14:29). Enlist prayer warriors to lift her needs to you. Thank you that you promise to hear her cry. You capture her tears in a bottle and record each one in a book (Psalm 56:8).

Show this precious mom how to build a support system of mentors and counselors and send these important people to her side. May they speak truth into her life. Use them to encourage her with a timely word. Thank you for the promise that you are a Father to the fatherless and Defender of the widow (Psalm 68:5). Let her feel your protection and give her faith to trust that you will be faithful to keep your promises.

Teach this mom your ways and let her feel your embrace. Give her strength to direct her children to you. She needs wisdom, discernment, and understanding. Please grant this to her in liberal amounts. Thank you for the promise in Isaiah 54:13 that declares all your children will be taught of the Lord and great will be their peace. Please bring peace to their home.

The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but you give life abundant. Thank you for using what is meant for evil for our good and your glory (Genesis 50:20). Glorify yourself through this precious family. Hold them close to you. Heal their broken hearts and bind up their wounds (Psalm 147:3). Remind them that you will bring fruit from the land of suffering (Genesis 41:52), and they will see the goodness of the Lord in their lives (Psalm 27:13).

Lord, you promise to plead the case of the widow and fatherless for their redeemer is strong Proverbs 23:10). Thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter of mine head. (Psalm 3:3-5). Allow this widowed mom to sleep giving rest in her soul. May she know that you are sustaining her. Comfort her so that she may one day comfort others as she has been comforted (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

Thank you for interceding on her behalf. Thank you for hearing our prayers and answering our cries.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Loving God, The Scripture says that You sustain the fatherless and the widows. Trusting in Your Word, I come before Your Throne of Grace. Father, many a times, I am cumbered with a load of care about the needs of my family. There is no one else to help me. Very often, I think of my husband and am troubled. I am lonely, deserted by everybody. Preserve me according to Your Word.Dear Father, I do not want to be a burden to others as long as I live upon this earth. Help me to be self-reliant and give me the ability and strength to work with my own hands. May Your grace be sufficient to uphold me, so that I may be comforted and kept by it, not yielding to despondency at any time. I also commit all the dear ones that You have given me, into Your loving hands. Bless them and supply all the needs of their today and future. O God, meet all my daily needs also and lead me by the way that You desire. I submit myself and all that I have, to Your perfect will. In Jesus' name I pray.Amen.

Most loving God, you know the pain and sorrow of death; mercifully hear our prayer for those who mourn the death of their beloved. The nights are lonely and the days are too long. Comfort them and bring an end to the days of tears. Bless them and bring an end to their days of sorrow. Renew them with the joy of life and bring to an end their days of mourning. Let the bond of love which you have for your people be the foundation of their hope that love never ends and that precious moments with our beloved are forever held dear in our hearts. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, guard these widows from the evil men and their deceit in lust for flesh. In the pretext of caring and loving, they make use of these widows for their own personal gain and pleasures.

May Your wrath come upon those who lure widows in Your name for evil ways and add grief to their sorrow-filled heart.

Lord Jesus Christ, we pray that we, Your beloved people, love and care for widows and orphans and provide for them in the best they can.

May we realise that providence may not necessarily be in monetary value but through pure love, caring and providing attention in words, thoughts and deeds.

May we all live our call as Christians, live our relationship with You, through caring and loving for those who are underprivileged, in this pursuit of orphans and widows.

May our thoughts be pure without deceit and malice, may our love be Your light, shining in their path, giving them a life hopeful, joyful and peaceful. In Jesus' Almighty name, AMEN!

Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Your blessed name and seek Your intercession as we lift up all widows in our prayers. Torn between their own lives and the responsibilities of family, may they in You ever abide.

Strengthen them, Lord, in Your power and wisdom to lean on You and persevere in their calling. May their love for You, and their love for family and duty, be their utmost importance.

May they lift up all their cares, and place all their hopes, in You as, in fervent prayer, they come. Grant them Lord, a spirit of patience to persevere through their daily toils and disappointments of life.In times, they need someone to speak their hearts out and someone to love; hear their hearts, O Lord Jesus, and enfold them in Your Love. May they be comforted that in You alone is a peace so deep and real and in You an everlasting love that lives through all ages.

Lord Jesus, we pray for widows who seek a life partner and have children to care for. Help them, O Lord we pray, with discernment and judgement to chose right.

Help them with someone who will truly love, care and provide for her and her children as their own. May they grow in love for You Lord and each other in an bond of marriage and sacrifice for each other, the things that could make them closer, and deeper in a lifetime of love.

God of Ever-Present Love,

I lift up _________.

Pour out your mercy and comfort on him as you see his pain.

Pour out your strength on him as you see his grief.

Pour out your hope on him as you see his hopelessness.

Pour out your love on him as you see his loneliness.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving God, my heart is torn into a thousand pieces. I don't have anyone to turn to but you. My husband was everything to me, and now he is no more. The bible says that you are a husband to widows. I choose to see you as my husband from today onwards. Heal my heart from all this pain that I am carrying in my heart and help me to accept the passing away of my dear beloved husband. Please give me the strength to endure all that I am going through and help me to fight the good fight of faith. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.