Prayer For When Things Are Going Wrong

Dear God, I feel that everything in my life is going wrong and the dreams that I had in the past just seem to have shattered. People have let me down, my health seems to be failing, and life seems to be one long disappointment after another.

Give me Your strength I pray to carry on, and help me to pick up the shattered pieces of my life and move on in Your strength, not regretting the past but rather learning from it. Lord, I know that Your strength and power must have sustained me even when I did not realise it, for You have promised to be with me through every difficult situation. Thank You for being there.

Help me Lord, to trust You and to unburden all my sorrows and disappointment to You. Help me to pour out my heart to You, just as the Psalmist did, for I know that You listen to the cries of Your children and that You alone are my help and strength. Lord, I know in my heart that You alone are all I need. Help me to rest on this fact.

Thank You that You have promised to be with me and never slumber nor sleep. You have promised to preserve my goings out and my comings in, and every moment in between. Thank You Lord, in Jesus' name,


God I have messed up and got myself into some legal trouble please help me God, to be freed from this hard time I'm in. I know you won't give me more than I can handle, I'll not give up on you I love you God. please guide over this situation. I pray this goes in my favor. I pray to you God in the name of your only begotten Son Jesus Christ AMEN.

Lord please help me I'm in a bad situation with my life I can't find a job I can't go to school I can't do anything please Jesus help me I want to win the lottery please help me to win the lottery I need money urgently Lord I need job I need your help I need lottery win in Jesus name Amen

Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favors this time I ask you for this very special one (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen, Say for three days and then promise publication and the prayer will be granted no matter how impossible.

Lord, Your ways aren't our ways. It sounds so simple. I've memorized the verse. But help those words sink in. Show me Your perspective through Your eyes. Help me to see that while I'm a small part of the bigger picture You have planned, you love me and I'm part of Your purpose. Rather than blame You when things go wrong, help me to remember You're the only one who's right there beside me as I crawl through the fire. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


First i want to thank you for all that you have done for me and my family but i come to you because i am at a very hard place in my life everything seems to be going wrong and i don't know how to handle it. I know that you would not give me more then i can handle but this is hard and i don't know how to make it through.

I want to give up so bad i have nobody here for me I see people with family or at least one person who cares but i don't have not one my marriage is failing so bad and the worst one is that i can not have children what use am i if i can not do anything i just feel as if i am a failure and everyone around me has no problem with letting me know that i am.

i ask for you to please help me GOD i have not giving up on you and i know that you will help me in this time of need. I need you more than ever GOD please help me i love you and i thank you

In Jesus name i pray AMEN

Dear Lord, I thank You for the purpose You place in everything. Give me Your perspective today as I struggle with some things that may not be going "right." I know You have a greater plan through it all. I love You and long to live for You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father;

I am having a bad day. It seems as though nothing is going right. I have so much to do and so many people depending on me. I don't' have time or energy for things to go wrong. I want to ask you to take away my bad days but I realize that if I do that I am missing out on learning to trust in you. Instead, I ask for Your love, guidance and support to help me get through my bad days. Help me to learn to trust in you through the small things so when I have bad days that are bigger I will not just come to you but I will have learned how to trust you.

Lord as creator of all, I am humbled by the love you show me even in the little things. I know that there is nothing in this world that You cannot handle. I am not worthy of Your mercy and grace. Yet, You always make it available to me. I am willing to put aside my need to control and fix things and instead trust You.

I look to You Lord and thank You for being with me and taking care of me. You give me chances to learn to trust you. It isn't easy but You patiently wait on me as I struggle to let go. I feel the warmth of your loving arms embrace me, and the peace You bring to my heart.
