Prayer For When You Feel Defeated

Lord, with all my ways, I acknowledge who you are.
I know you to be good. You are my assurance that this impossible situation is not hopeless, and I am not forgotten. You are my dependable, loving, all-knowing Lord. I confess that I tend to make myself big and You small. In this situation, I acknowledge that You have full authority over my life and all things that happen in it. I can have confidence that You are the waymaker.

How blessed am I to always have hope because I am yours and You are mine.

Please help me to see which way I should go.
You'll make the path before me clear. I can count on that because You are dependable. What I need is for you to help me not to miss it. Help me to see where you'd have me go. Let me hear Your voice, so I'll handle this as you want me to. Please refocus my mind, heart, eyes, and ears. Show me the next step because I can't see it right now.

Amen. Lord help me to say a final goodbye to these defeated thoughts and feelings. Teach me to lay them down before you, and then not pick them back up again.

Lord, help me trust you.
I confess that I don't always believe that I can. I think I know better than you how my life should go. It feels like you make mistakes. It's too easy to doubt that you have my best in mind. Sometimes I even feel like you've abandoned me. Despite these doubts, somehow still, I always, ultimately trust you.

Help me to see this situation I face in light of the truth that You can be trusted. That what I have been feeling is untrue. Remind me that I can count on you all the time, in every way. Help me to know I can trust you, even when I have a hard time believing it.

Lord, help me to release my grip on my life and instead defer to you. I have held on to the comfortable feeling of control, and it got me further away from my goals. It took me away from Your plan for me. I have pushed out any space for Your guidance, and for that, I apologize. I should have never assumed my ways would be better than yours. Psalm 147:5 reminds me that Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; His understanding is beyond measure. Help me transfer my control over to you and lead my actions so that they glorify You. I surrender myself to you, Lord. Amen!

My heavenly father, I have come to a standstill. I am feeling defeated about my situation, and I have no idea what to do next. No plan I come up with seems to sense. Lord, I know you have a much larger plan for me that I cannot see. Please help guide me so that I start making the right choices. Ensure that each action I take is one that glorifies You. Remind me of your promise in Jeremiah 29:11 that says, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.. God, I will turn my trust over to you. Amen.

God, I do not like feeling so inadequate, unorganized, and overwhelmed. I think that I tried my hardest, and yet, it still was not good enough. I feel I have let myself down. Please help me not to be so hard on myself and understand that I am only one person. As much as I may want to, I cannot do everything on my own. With you, though, all things are conquerable! Philippians 4:13 says, I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Lord, I request your helping hand as I continue to move forward. Help lift some of this weight off my shoulders so that I can have a clear mind to get things done. I will not be defeated. Amen

Lord, I am feeling defeated. I do not know if there is anything I can do to fix the situation I am in. The obstacles in front of me seem unconquerable. I have failed and let others down. The weight is placing a burden on my heart. In Psalm 46:1, you say: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Help me to accept and remember this truth as I try and pick my life back up. I am laying out my feelings before you so that you can help restore me. Please comfort me and mend my heart. I pray that these defeated feelings will not stop me, and I can rise again. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!

Father, forgive them for sin. Forgive them for worry and fear. Forgive them for being anxious. Forgive them for not giving You their cares. Forgive them for not trusting You at all times. Lord, remind them of those they need to forgive; and help them to be quick to forgive.

Lead them not into temptation; but deliver them from the evil one.

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of Your glory. You are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. You are the God who is, who was, and who is to come. You are the Almighty. Now, to You, the King eternal, immortal, invisible. To You, who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.