Prayer For Weary

Loving God,

I come to you to seek for forgiveness of all my sins and wrongdoings of the past, for all the hurting, that I have done to others, to my family, and people that have been affected by my harsh behavior and unkind words, Please give them a forgiving heart as I have forgiven them too. Please forgive me of my wrongs and free me from worries of the mind and restless heart. Loving God forgive me.

I seek you Dear Jesus, to bestow upon me your healing hands. Heal me from within. Be with me in my sleep and cast away the demons that comes in my dreams. Cast away all the doubts and fears that I have, so that I may be able to love again the ones that I have hurt the most, my family. Lord, give me strength, happiness, wealth of the heart and free from ills
Give me the strength and confidence that all my everyday task are done with a glorious heart and ease of mind

Most of all thank you Lord, for being with me always and guiding me into a righteous path
In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I feel so tired.
Everything is a burden,
A heaviness upon my soul.
Where can I find rest?

Everyone and everything seem to let me down.
I let myself down too.
Teach me lord, not to look for rest in people or circumstances.
Show me I have no right to make others be the source of peace.

Let me know there is only one place where can I fine true rest,
In the fresh water and sweet pastures of Your grace.
Found on praise of You,
Found in my daily Bread,
And in your presence which is the essence of my life.

True rest, dear loving lord,
To restore my weary soul,
To be strong again,
I need only to trust in You.

In Jesus name,

Loving Lord,

I am seeking to draw close to you.

I am learning to receive strength and help from you.

Direct my attention to things that will bless me.

Direct my attention to the encouragement that you strategically place in my day.

Direct my attention to the beauty of this world that it may delight me and refresh me.

Direct my attention to inspiring music that has the ability to capture my emotions and carry them upward.

Direct my attention to the little miracles of joy and the explosions of laughter that you want me to experience.

Direct my attention, Lord.


Dear Lord,

I am coming before you crying out for your help.

I close my eyes and find myself kneeling at the cross.

Yes, I have the assurance of eternal salvation.... but
my body, my mind, and my emotions are weary.

The roads I have been traveling seem long and hard and desolate.

It feels like I am at a breaking point.

I bring my tired, worn-out feelings to you.

I bring my pains, my hurts, my burdens, and my concerns to you.

I bring all my stress, my sorrow, and my sadness to you.

I want to leave them here at the cross.

Scoop me up and rescue me this day from the plots and plans of the enemy.

I need your divine direction.

I cry out for help.

I am coming before you with an empty cup asking you to fill my cup with your provision and your encouragement.

Fill me with strength.

Uplift me with thoughts of hope.

Keep me moving forward, and bless me with refreshing rest along your pathway.

Loving Lord, look at me and take note of those things I so desperately need and be merciful to me this day.

Flow your abundant compassion toward my weaknesses and my needs.

May your tenderness reach out and overwhelm me.


Lord, let the burden of pain be bearable not because of our own strength but because of Yours.

When we grow weary, lead us back to Your presence. Help us to know You don't give trials we cannot face because we never face them alone. When we're desperate for You, You are our help and our comfort, our strength when we fall down.

You are the God who identifies with every discouragement, every agony, every broken part of us and You came for us anyway. You lift our spirits and when we are crushed, when we despair, when we are so frustrated and tired, discouraged and empty, You promise us life and a great, wild, ridiculous hope. Let the unanswerable things quiet and the knowing of You and Your goodness bring us peace when our minds rally against us. When our bodies fail, let us feel Your touch. You are the God who sees and we belong to You. Calm our timid hearts and bring rest to the weary places. Help us remember Your promise that You are with us even to the end. Even on the weary days, and especially to the weary ones, You are our God.


Dear God,

The battle feels intense some days. We get tired and weak, weary and worn. It's hard to keep going in the face of defeat. But help us to remember that you will never leave us, that you're our Refuge and our Strength, an ever-present help in trouble. We know that the enemy wouldn't be fighting so hard against us, if we weren't making a difference for your Kingdom. He wouldn't be trying so hard to stop us, if he didn't think you had so much good still in store. Remind us that the battle belongs to you, and whatever we're up against can be taken down in one fail swoop by your Mighty Hand. Help us to trust you more, to never waste time spinning our wheels and wrestling or fighting in our strength. Please forgive us Lord for the times we've failed to lift our hands to you, for the days we've forgotten to come to you first. Fill us with the Power of your Holy Spirit this day. Fill us with your joy, fill us with your wisdom and discernment, fill us with constant reminders that Your Presence will go with us, and you will give us rest.

Thank you for the victories in our lives, that have no explanation except, God did this. We give you the glory and honor for all that you're doing in our lives every day, even in the times we can't see it all, or understand your ways.

Help us to keep our eyes on you. Help us to see when another soul around us needs to be encouraged too. Help us to be faithful to carry one another's burdens, remembering that we're all in this life together, and there's great power in unity.

We love you and we need you. We lift up our hearts and hands to worship you. Thank you that your banner over us is love.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray,


Dear God,

Thank you that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. Thank you that you promise to give the worried, the hurried, the pressured, and stressed out - rest and peace for our souls - if we'll just come before you. Thank you that you already know all that concerns us, and you care. We're so grateful for your reminder that we don't have to carry it all on our own. Forgive us for the times that we've tried to fix things in our own power, for not taking the time to rest, or coming to you first with our needs and burdens. Thank you for the refreshing that comes from your Spirit, filling us with joy, covering us with a shield, leading us forward with hope. Equip us to be those who take notice of others who seem weary and burdened too. Help us to slow down, to take the time, to point others to you.

In Jesus' Name,


Dear God,

The battle feels intense some days. We get tired and weak, weary and worn. It's hard to keep going in the face of defeat. But help us to remember that you will never leave us, that you're our Refuge and our Strength, an ever-present help in trouble. We know that the enemy wouldn't be fighting so hard against us, if we weren't making a difference for your Kingdom. He wouldn't be trying so hard to stop us, if he didn't think you had so much good still in store. Remind us that the battle belongs to you, and whatever we're up against can be taken down in one fail swoop by your Mighty Hand. Help us to trust you more, to never waste time spinning our wheels and wrestling or fighting in our strength. Please forgive us Lord for the times we've failed to lift our hands to you, for the days we've forgotten to come to you first. Fill us with the Power of your Holy Spirit this day. Fill us with your joy, fill us with your wisdom and discernment, fill us with constant reminders that Your Presence will go with us, and you will give us rest.
