Prayer For Weary Heart

Lord, when my soul is weary and my heart is tired and sore, and I have that failing feeling that I can't take any more; then let me know the freshening found in simple, childlike prayer, when the kneeling soul knows surely that a listening Lord is there

Dear God,

Thank you for reminding us in your Word that we do not face the storms alone, but you are always with us. Whispering calm. Speaking peace. Bringing rest to our souls.

This world feels like a hard place some days; it's hurting and broken. We pray for those who are facing deep losses right now, for the times that grief has covered us all. Please comfort us through the painful seasons, surrounding those we love with your huge peace and the reassuring presence of your Holy Spirit.We confess our need for you. We ask you to forgive us for trying to figure everything out on our own, for not trusting that you are more than able and powerful to work on our behalf. Forgive us for picking back up what we already determined to lay down at your feet. Give us the ability to trust you more, give us hearts that find rest in your presence. Give us the wisdom to seek peace and pursue it, remembering that it's only to be found in you.

Thank you for the promise that your yoke is easy, and your burden is light. Thank you that you care for us so incredibly and that the peace of your loving presence guards and protects our hearts and minds in you. Thank you that we never have to walk in fear or live constantly in these overwhelmed cycles of worry and stress.

Help us to keep our eyes on you, and to see when another soul around us needs to be encouraged. Help us to be faithful to carry one another's burdens, remembering that we're all in this life together, and there's such great power in unity and love.

Thank you that you are the soul refresher, the One who brings us rest, lifts our burdens, and gives peace. Thank you that you renew our strength and encourage our weary hearts. Thank you that you know our needs before we even ask you, that you know our thoughts, and all that troubles us today.

We ask you to please bring us into seasons of refreshing from your Spirit, that you would draw us closer to your presence as we seek to follow you. Help us to remember what's most important in this world, and what's not. Teach us to hold on to what matters, and to better know how to let go of what doesn't.

Thank you for the gift of Jesus and the freedom He brings. For no matter what we go through in this life, or what we're up against today, we never have to be shaken. You hold us secure, and we're kept safe with you.We love you Lord. We need you today, to once again lift from our hearts this heaviness and constant burden, as only you are able. And help us to find rest and hope in you again.

In Jesus' Name,

Lord, let the burden of pain be bearable not because of our own strength but because of Yours.

When we grow weary, lead us back to Your presence. Help us to know You don't give trials we cannot face because we never face them alone. When we're desperate for You, You are our help and our comfort, our strength when we fall down.

You are the God who identifies with every discouragement, every agony, every broken part of us and You came for us anyway. You lift our spirits and when we are crushed, when we despair, when we are so frustrated and tired, discouraged and empty, You promise us life and a great, wild, ridiculous hope. Let the unanswerable things quiet and the knowing of You and Your goodness bring us peace when our minds rally against us. When our bodies fail, let us feel Your touch. You are the God who sees and we belong to You. Calm our timid hearts and bring rest to the weary places. Help us remember Your promise that You are with us even to the end. Even on the weary days, and especially to the weary ones, You are our God.


In You Oh Lord do I place my trust. I cast all of my life anxiety upon You because You truly care for me. Father help me to be patient, loyal and faithful in all that I do. Renew a trusting, steadfast spirit that is able to firmly place my heart in Your capable hands. Thank You for lightening my spirit, in Jesus name. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for mending my broken and heavy heart. Lord empower me with the weightiness of Your Word. Help me to know that no matter what, I can always depend on You to help me regain my strength in times of trouble, in Jesus name. Amen.

Let the glory of the Lord rise among us! Lord we celebrate You today and every day. May Your precious presence reign in our lives. Touch our hearts. Create in us clean hearts and helps us to remember that our strength comes from You alone, in Jesus name. Amen.

Dear God, my heart is tired and hopeless. I know Your the only one that can revive and enlight myvweary heart. I have lot if stuggles this past days and itvreally breaks my heart everytime I turn you down because of my sins.Please forgive me and I know You will. You are a loving God that accepts me, whk really I am. Give me peace and contentment. Dictate your plans to me. Give me strength to conquer this darkest days of my life. Set me free from the chain of my past. Sorry for everything, for always repeating my sins. I'm weak today but I know with you I will become more stronger to face the life. Negatives are there but it will now perish because You're there. I know I can do it. I will become a better man on this day. I am renewed, start all over again, at the end of the your plans will still remain. Guide me in my doings. Thanks bro. Thanks.

Loving God,

I come to you to seek for forgiveness of all my sins and wrongdoings of the past, for all the hurting, that I have done to others, to my family, and people that have been affected by my harsh behavior and unkind words, Please give them a forgiving heart as I have forgiven them too. Please forgive me of my wrongs and free me from worries of the mind and restless heart. Loving God forgive me.

I seek you Dear Jesus, to bestow upon me your healing hands. Heal me from within. Be with me in my sleep and cast away the demons that comes in my dreams. Cast away all the doubts and fears that I have, so that I may be able to love again the ones that I have hurt the most, my family. Lord, give me strength, happiness, wealth of the heart and free from ills
Give me the strength and confidence that all my everyday task are done with a glorious heart and ease of mind

Most of all thank you Lord, for being with me always and guiding me into a righteous path
In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.