Prayer For Unity In The Workplace

Jesus, my Savior, it is another beautiful day that you've enabled us to come to our place of work. I thank you for my colleagues and me. Jesus, help us to work as a team. Remove comparison and rivalry mentality from our hearts and help us to focus on the greater good, which is the growth of this company. Let this place be fun and help us to live in harmony with each other. In your all-powerful name, I pray, Amen.

O Jehovah, my God, as I set out for work today, help me to be light at the office and a source of inspiration to our clients and my colleagues. Put the right words in my mouth that will build others up and give them hope. Lord, help me to be a source of blessing to those people that are going through difficult times. Fill my place of work with peace and remove anything that may bring strife. Be our shield and guide in everything that we do. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Lord Jehovah, Self-Existent One, I pray that you help me to understand that everything that I have, including my work, belongs to you. May I honor you with everything that I do at my workplace from my tasks to the way I talk to clients and my colleagues, and the respect their accord my leaders. Lord God, help me to do excellent work so that your light can shine before men, and they may glorify you, the one and only true God, who I serve. I pray this believing and trusting in your Son, Jesus' powerful name. Amen.

Father God, I feel like I'm drying up on the inside. This job used to bring me so much joy, but now it is beginning to feel like a burden. Fill me with deep and fresh passion for my job and help me to enjoy every moment that I spend in this office. Take away weariness from me and inspire me to work diligently. Holy Spirit, I invite you into this place today, lead and guide me in the way that I should go and correct me when I am wrong. Remove any manner of dissatisfaction from my heart and help me to serve our clients with passion. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Glorious Father, I come before your throne this day to thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for my family, friends, and colleagues. There are so many people out there who are desperately looking for work, but you have blessed me with a perfect job, I want to say thank you. Lord, help me to be salt and light at my place of work. Give me strength and determination to do everything that is required of me before the deadline and help me to be respectful to everyone who I interact with in the office. In everything, I do let me do it as unto you not a man because everything I have belongs to you. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Maker of Heaven and Earth, you have sent us into the world to spread the gospel about the Kingdom. Father, I know that part of my job at my workplace is to spread the message of Jesus Christ. Fill me with boldness to talk about your Son, Jesus, with my bosses and colleagues. Let them see Jesus in me in the way I talk, work, and treat others. Help me to be slow to speak, slow to anger, and quick to listen. Help me to be a faithful witness of Christ at the office that people may see that I serve a true living God. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen

Father of Blessings and Compassion, I know that everything is possible with you. I am facing some challenges at work. I humbly ask you to grant me favor with my bosses. I come against any opposition that has been set by the enemy to cause me to lose my job. I declare that no weapon forged against me will prosper. Lord, I refute any tongue that rises against me in judgment, and I stand firm knowing that everything will work out for my good because you're with me. Help me to excel in everything that I do. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Jesus, Promise-Keeper, you chose us that we may bear fruit. You also said that without you, we could do nothing. Help me to be fruitful at my place of work. Let everything that I lay my hands on prosper. Jesus, give me an excellent spirit that I may do exceptional work for the glory of your holy name. May I follow the path that you have laid up for me so that I can find victory in your holy name. Let your love rain in my heart and this place. In Your almighty name, I believe and pray. Amen.