Prayer For Trusting Others

God, You are greater than anything I face. I refuse to fix my eyes on the obstacle and enemy, but instead elevate my gaze to You. I will speak Your words of life and truth, agreeing with You alone, believing You are who You said You are and will do what You said You will do. You are faithful. You will come through. That's who You are. That's what You do. By Your grace, I will live by faith. By faith, I believe In Jesus's name I pray, amen.

Father, Your Word says that we overcome not by might and not by power, but by Your Spirit. So, I lean into You, believing that You are at work in the unexpected adventures in my life. I trust in Your goodness, no matter my circumstance. I stand on the integrity of Your character, especially when I face the impossible. You are good. You do good. And You are working in all things for my good. Amen

God, I don't how to get there. I feel like I trust You. I try to trust You. But I keep walking around in my own limited strength, worry, and doubt. Things have been bad for so long I just don't see how they will change. I need Your help to overcome my lack of sight. Amen.

God, I want to be a person who stands firm and trusts You wholeheartedly. I want to be unshakable and resilient, but that can only happen by depending on You and trusting You. Develop that deeper trust in me, God I desperately need it and want to trust you more. Amen.

Father, sometimes it does feel that you have left us in the battle. We know that you are with us, but so are our feelings of aloneness. The Enemy seems to be taking ground. Our crying out to you seems to go unanswered. We know you are at work, but help us trust you in the midst of our questions. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

God, you are the Source of my peace and power.I listen for guidance with heightened awareness.
I wait. I trust you. I don't have to worry or know what happens. You are all-knowing. Help me to trust others.
I know that I cannot live life to the fullest without the help of others.When I'm afraid, I will trust you more. When I am weak, I will trust in your strength.
When I have doubts, I will trust in your promises to love me and direct my steps.God, in you I trust.
I trust.

Heavenly Father, let the morning, but also the noon and night bring us word of your unfailing love; for your love is better than life, your faithfulness the heartbeat of our hope, and your word the foundation of all trust. We comewe run to you this day seeking help.

Father, have mercy on us. Have mercy on me. Help us trust you when we feel like we cannot trust anyone else. Help us trust you in the middle of broken trust. Show us, show me, the ways we ourselves have been trust-breakers rather than bridge builders.