Prayer For Trust In God's Plan

God, if I can't trust You, what can I trust? If You aren't faithful, then is there any hope? Of course, I know You're trustworthy, but it's hard for my head and heart to grasp. Thank You for Your patience with me. I am learning to trust You. Amen.

God, take my heart, my desires, my life and transform them to make me a stronger follower of Yours. I want to grow in my relationship with You, but I need to trust You more for that to happen. So help me on my journey, help me to connect to You more. I need you God, oh how I need You. Amen.

God, I want to trust You more. I know You have the best interest for me and love me, but I can't stop relying on my own strength, depending on what I can see. God, I need You to break through this cloud of confusion I'm in. Amen.

Father, I struggle to trust others, so it's no wonder I am unsure of my trust in You. Forgive me and grow me, knowing that you have my best intentions at heart. Amen.

God, trusting You is hard. I have a hard time letting go and letting you take control. I need help releasing my control to You. Help me grow in my trust in You. Amen.

God, I don't how to get there. I feel like I trust You. I try to trust You. But I keep walking around in my own limited strength, worry, and doubt. Things have been bad for so long I just don't see how they will change. I need Your help to overcome my lack of sight. Amen.

God, I want to be a person who stands firm and trusts You wholeheartedly. I want to be unshakable and resilient, but that can only happen by depending on You and trusting You. Develop that deeper trust in me, God I desperately need it and want to trust you more. Amen.

Lord, I thank You that You are the God of the impossible. You can do anything. I want to trust in Your ability and not my own. Teach me to see difficulties in my life from Your perspective. Help me to focus on You and Your power. I want to be like Joshua and Caleb who believed in a good report and focused on You even in hard circumstances (Numbers 14:7-9). My responsibility is to carefully read, trust, and obey Your Word. Today I bring before You this difficulty in my life (Name a hard situation you are right now facing). Help me not to fear but to trust You in this situation. I declare my faith in Your ability to fulfill Your promises to me. You will fight for me and win the battles in my life. You are mighty, powerful, righteous and true.

I have nothing to fear with You on my side. I will be strong and courageous. I will not be terrified or discouraged, for the Lord my God will be with me wherever I go (Joshua 1:9). You will never leave me or forsake me (Joshua 1:5). I do not need to figure everything out. You already know the best plan for my life. I will not try any man-made method to do only what You can do. Show me Your supernatural power. Teach me how to walk in faith. Please teach me how to pray breakthrough prayers. I choose to have faith in Your ability to breakthrough every obstacle in my life. Just like Joshua, You will give me the land and every place where my feet step (Joshua 1:3).

Through you we push back our enemies; through your name we trample our foes. I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame. In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever. Selah (Psalm 44:5-8).

Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand (Psalm 16:5-11). In Jesus name, amen.