Prayer For Today Methodist

You told us, Lord God, to love our neighbours as much as we love ourselves. But, surely, loving ourselves displays arrogance and self-centredness. Or is that what you were getting at? If only we could put our neighbours in that position of love, then we couldn't love ourselves as much!
O what a loving God you are! To point out our wrong-doing and how to correct it in one sentence.
Remind me, Lord, when I am putting 'me' before others. And especially remind me when I am putting 'me' before you.
In the name of Jesus who put himself totally at the disposal of humankind. Amen

So many problems in our human life, Lord, are a result of hatred. Hatred is like a canker eating deep into our very souls.
I pray, Lord, for those who are so bitter that they can't see the good in anyone. Whose lives revolve around being difficult and finding fault in others. Help them, Lord, to understand what that does to others, as well as to themselves.
I could name a few, but you know them already.
Share your love with them, Lord,
In Jesus' name. Amen

You ask a lot of me, God!
How can I love my enemies? Those who seek to make my life a misery? That's simply too much to ask!
But when Jesus was on the cross he forgave those who had put him there. Can you help me to forgive others?
Is that what you mean, Lord, when you tell us to love our enemies? To have that something in our hearts that enables us to forgive, as you forgave?
I struggle with this, but I think I know what you mean - I can't do it alone, though.
Be with me in this, for Jesus' sake. Amen

Lord Jesus, be with those whose week never seems to start, because there is no difference for them in the days. Every day is the same.
Lord, we pray for those who have no joy in being able to do something new; for those whose routine is so rigid that anything out of the ordinary is challenging, frightening.
In their routine may they find you. In the care provided by others, may they find your love. In the work done for them may they find your healing hands.
For you are our carer, our healer and our sustainer, and in your name we pray. Amen

Well, Lord, the week has really started!
I'm back into the routine of things - daily chores, at home, at work, at school.
It's hard to see you in all of this, so I ask that you make your presence known to me.
A kind word or a loving act. The beauty of the world around, or peace through the people I meet.
All these are from you, I know. Help me to be aware of them, and through them, to be aware of you.
In Jesus. Amen

Creator God,
Thank you for the opportunity of being together in prayer.
As we look forward to the week to come, we pray for an awareness of your love and support in all we do.
We are sorry that we only seem to turn to you in the down times of our lives, and forget to thank you for the good times.
There is so much in your world for which we should be grateful and we offer our thanks now.
Be with us, and all who need your loving touch at this time.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen

Loving Father,
it is the first day of the week; but in the story of creation, it is the day on which you rested.
I, a small part of your creation, find it hard to rest, to take time out, to relax.
Help me, Lord, to make time in my busy days for you. To remember that without you I am nothing, and that my sole purpose is to serve and worship you.
Be with me now, at the start, and throughout the whole of the week ahead.
In Jesus' name. Amen

Eternal beauty, who came in Christ and is present by your Spirit, we praise you for the love that birthed creation and thank you that we can never exhaust the goodness of your gifts. Enable us to hear your call and to respond to your prompting, that our hands may be the hands of your Son, Jesus Christ, and our lives become a perfect offering through your blessed Spirit.

May we flourish with your creation as we work with your grace for the good of all you have made. Amen.