Prayer For The Youth Ministry

Dear Lord,
help our young people to find
faith in the midst of the chaos.
Give them the desire and ability
to see you,
hear you,
talk to you,
and give thanks to you.
We pray that they will draw nearer and nearer to you
all their lives.

We offer to you, Loving God, the gifts and needs of youth.

Bless them with your guiding grace as they face the challenges and opportunities in their lives.

Touch their hearts with the gentleness of your love, that they may know they are valued and valuable beings.

Send your spirit of hope to their lives, that they may believe in themselves and know they are needed in this world.

Grace them with the gift of joy that they may celebrate life through laughter and tears alike.

Guide us, as we continue to grow in appreciation of the many gifts of young people, in the ministry opportunities we offer to them, in the journey of faith we walk with them, in our shared mission as a community called to discipleship in the world.

We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, I give You heartfelt thanks for all those who trust in Jesus Christ as Saviour, and I want to pray for the youth groups within our churches, and for the young people and individual group members that participate in this important ministry.

Lord, I ask for their continuous and continuing spiritual growth, so that they may become strong in the faith. I pray that as they meet together they may be correctly and thoroughly discipled in the truth of Scripture, and be edified and encouraged as they fellowship together with other young people and members of the group.

I pray that they may united together in love and develop a desire to know the truth of the gospel of Your wonderful salvation, so that they may grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that they become mighty men and women of faith, who in turn may be used by You to forward Your plans and purposes.

Bless all youth group leaders and keep them looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of their faith, in Whose name we pray,

Loving Lord Jesus, I pray that You will be lifted up in the youth ministries of today, and that the saving gospel of grace will be shared with the young people that attend. I ask that such Church and Christian fellowships will be places of fun and fellowship, but also that Your name will be honoured in all they do.

Lord, You have said that if You are lifted up, You will draw all people unto Yourself. I pray that many will be drawn to You through the different youth fellowships and that many will come to know Jesus as their Saviour and come to a true knowledge of the truth of Scripture. Lord Jesus, there are many young people that are hurting and lost and afraid and discouraged, and I pray that Your Holy Spirit would guide many to explore their local Christian youth group, and that they would find all that they need in Jesus Christ.

Bless the leaders of Christian youth groups. Give them the wisdom to lead by example and to have a heart for those that are in their care, so that Your name is lifted up and glorified. In Jesus' name,


Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the Christian Youth Groups in various towns and churches. I pray for every young member and each leader. Lord, I pray that You would work a mighty work in each of their lives and that You would be glorified in their ministries.

I pray that church youth groups may be a light in a dark place, refreshment in a hurting world, and a true witness to Your saving grace and loving-kindness.

Lord, there are so many young people that are lost, and others that would seek to ridicule and disrupt such Christian Youth Groups, but I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would bring all those that are seeking the truth to find their way to their local youth ministry, so that they may hear the gospel of grace and be saved.

Give the leaders of such youth fellowhips the grace and wisdom to run their groups without compromise and prevent them from being influenced by the pressures of the world.I also ask that You would protect these ministries from those that would seek to disrupt or harm them. May the name of Jesus be lifted up and may many be brought into Your kingdom, so that Your name may be glorified. In Jesus' name Amen

Heavenly Father, I lift up the many youth groups and ministries that are seeking to share the gospel of Christ with young people today, and particularly I ask you to lead and guide those that are in leadership positions.

I ask that You would give each one the wisdom, strength, authority and grace that they need to lead youth groups, and may they not be ashamed of sharing the gospel, but rather be challenged to reach out to each and every young person, and show the love of Jesus in their actions, attitudes and speech.

I ask that You would keep any evil influences away that would seek to disrupt their groups, and that You would give them the wisdom and grace not to conform to the ways of the world, but rather run their youth group on true biblical principles.

Father, I pray that You would use the youth groups around the globe to reach out to both unsaved and Christian youth, so that they may not only come to know the Lord as their Saviour but begin to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. In Jesus' name,


Thank You, Lord, for Christian youth ministries that are being used to share the gospel of Jesus with a range of young people. I pray that You would draw each one closer to Yourself as they meet together for fellowhip, fun and to learn more about You.

Lord, I pray that You would use such youth ministries to strengthen and encourage all those that have been born again, so that they may grow spiritually. And Lord, for those youngsters who do not yet know You, I pray that you would convict each one of their need of a Saviour, so that they may come to faith through the Word of God and the witness of these youth fellowships and ministries.

Protect them from the wiles of the enemy, who would seek to undermine their trust in You, but rather equip each one to look to Jesus rather than to the things of the world. May they grow in grace and become an effective witness to friends and family, not only in what they say but in the godly way that they behave. In Jesus' name,


Lord, give me eyes to see the unloved. With your sight I will see and serve the one who feels invisible. With your sight I will see and love the person who feels unseen and unloved. Take off my blindfolds and fill me with the courage to love.

Loving God, help me see you in the face and heart of every student, every parent, every person you place in front of me today. When I see you I will embrace you and serve you. Humble me Lord so that my pride will not keep me from recognizing you.

Holy Spirit guide me. Speak to me in every moment. Love through me in every moment. In every moment draw me closer to you and let me know your love that I might love others as you love me.