Prayer For The Work Day

O Lord, my God,
Creator and Ruler of the universe,
it is Your Will that human beings accept the duty of work.
May the work I do bring growth in this life to me
and those I love and help to extend the Kingdom of Christ.
Give all persons work that draws them to You
and to each other in cheerful service.
I unite all my work with the Sacrifice of Jesus
in the Mass that it may be pleasing to You and give You
I beg Your Blessing upon all my efforts.
With Saint Joseph as my example and guide,
help me to do the work You have asked
and come to the reward You have prepared.

Almighty God, thank Thee for the job of this day.
May we find gladness in all its toil and difficulty,
its pleasure and success, and even in its failure and sorrow.
We would look always away from ourselves,
and behold the glory and the need of the world
that we may have the will and the strength to bring
the gift of gladness to others; that with them we stand to bear
the burden and heat of the day and offer Thee the praise of work well done.

Father, I come before you thankful that you have made work a part of life and given me the opportunity to glorify you in my work. Thank you that I can work hard and go to bed tired each day. Thank you for the good days and the difficult ones, and for the gifts you have given me to help this world be a better place through my work.

Establish the work of my hands by helping me to be productive, patient, focused, and insightful. Keep me from distractions and from technology hindering my work instead of helping it. May your Spirit lead me in my work and help me to be joyful, creative, and worshipfulconstantly reminding me of your love and that you're the reason I have breath in my lungs. Teach me to align my work, family, church life, and rest in a way that would maximize your glory and allow me to bear the most fruit for your kingdom.

Father, thank you for all the ways you've blessed me, specifically with this job that pays my bills and puts food on my table. Thank you that ALL work has significance because work is good. Help me bring you glory today, through my actions, my words, through the good work I do to bring order to my little corner of the world. Help me view my work as a blessing and not a curse. Give me grace and strength for the hardest aspects of my job. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

Almighty God, whose hands hold all matters of life, give me grace of success in the work that I do. Help me to give it the careful thought and the strict attention that will lead to success.
Watch over me and govern my actions, that I may not mar its perfection.
Show me how to give my best, and let me not despise the toil that is necessary to complete it. Make my life a successful one, in that every duty you give to me, I do it well.
Give me the blessing of your help and guidance, and suffer me not to fail.
In Jesus' name,

In peace we pray to you, Lord God

For the children, women and men who come to us seeking healing:
For all who are in need of wellness.

For those who have great needs, but who do not enter our doors:
For the indigent, the infirm, the isolated.

For all people in their daily life and work:
For our families, friends and neighbors, and for those who are alone.

For our communities, our nation and our world:
For all who work for justice, freedom, health and peace.

For the just and proper use of your creation:
For the victims of hunger, fear, injustice and oppression.

For all who are in danger, sorrow or any kind of trouble:
For those who minister to the sick, the friendless and the needy.

We thank you, Lord, for all the blessings of this life:
We glorify you forever and ever.

Lord, our God, we pray in thanksgiving for your great mercy and for your enduring compassion towards us and all of your creatures. Assure us, guide us and grant us confidence to do your will, especially in our roles in Catholic health care. Help us to understand and respect the vulnerability and fragility of the persons we serve in our ministry as well as the associates with whom we serve. We pray, trusting in your loving kindness. Amen.

Dear Lord,

I bring before you today these challenging circumstances that have arisen at work. I pray that you would soften my heart and the hearts of my coworkers. I pray that you bring peace to us in the midst of conflict and chaos, and that you would be near to each of us. I know that you are a loving and gracious God, and I pray that you would help me to be more loving and gracious toward my coworkers today. May I find humility in you, and may I be the first to forgive, to make amends, and to move forward in a healthy way. You have placed me in this job, among these people, and I pray that I would glorify you through all of my actions and conversations here. Help me to see others the way you see them, and give me an extra measure of grace and patience today.

In your name I pray,


Heavenly Lord, may the words of your gospel be always in our hearts. As I work, help me work with all of my might, but also help me know when I have to step aside, in order for you to step in and work in a mighty way. Help me have wisdom to know how to abide in you. Help me avoid burnout by letting you be you. Thank you so much for the work you've given me, may it bear much fruit for your Kingdom. Amen.