Prayer For The World Peace

Father, we thank You that the day is coming when world peace will one day flood throughout the earth, when Your Anointed Man, Christ Jesus our Lord sits upon the throne of David, and the kingdom of this world, which is currently ruled by Satan, will become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. Praise God that You have promised world peace for all who trust in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

As we see the nations of the world struggling to bring in their own brand of world peace, through political manipulations and economic pressures, give us compassion for their lack of spiritual understanding. We pray that Your Holy Spirit would convict the hearts of many men to realise that no earthly king or elected president, party rule or man-made system can ever implement the peace that the world so desires and needs. For man's plans and purposes are based in a fallen world, faulty philosophy and a rebellious fallen angel, Satan.

Praise God that in Your grace, You have purposed to bring in world peace at Your appointed time. Until then, keep us covered we pray, by Your unconditional love, and fill our hearts with the peace that passes understanding, through Jesus Christ our Lord,


Great God, who has told us
Vengeance is mine,
save us from ourselves,
save us from the vengeance in our hearts
and the acid in our souls.

Save us from our desire to hurt as we have been hurt,
to punish as we have been punished,
to terrorize as we have been terrorized.

Give us the strength it takes
to listen rather than to judge,
to trust rather than to fear,
to try again and again
to make peace even when peace eludes us.

We ask, O God, for the grace
to be our best selves.
We ask for the vision
to be builders of the human community
rather than its destroyers.
We ask for the humility as a people
to understand the fears and hopes of other people.
We ask for the love it takes
to bequeath to the children of the world to come
more than the failures of our own making.
We ask for the heart it takes
to care for all the people
of Afghanistan and Iraq, of Palestine and Israel
as well as for ourselves.

Give us the depth of soul, O God,
to constrain our might,
to resist the temptations of power,
to refuse to attack the attackable,
to understand
that vengeance begets violence,
and to bring peacenot warwherever we go.
For you, O God, have been merciful to us.
For you, O God, have been patient with us.
For you, O God, have been gracious to us.

And so may we be merciful
and patient
and gracious
and trusting
with these others whom you also love.

This we ask through Jesus,
the one without vengeance in his heart.
This we ask forever and ever. Amen.

Loving Lord, our hearts are crying out for peace in the world, and yet we know that Scripture has told us that throughout this church age and beyond, and until the Lord Jesus Himself returns to set up His Millennial kingdom, there will be no peace in this world. Rather, there will be wars and rumours of wars, which will cause humanity to cry out for peace, peace when there is no peace. Help us to understand that there will be no peace until that time when Jesus returns to earth as the Prince of Peace, at the end of the coming tribulation period.

Lord, I long for peace and indeed I pray for peace in this world but Father, I do not want to pray against the plans and purposes which You have set by Your divine decree. Help me to pray intelligently as I see the people of the world crying out for peace, peace, when the world can never provide the peace that this world longs for.

I recognise that the nations of the world have almost unanimously turned their backs on You Lord Jesus, and that the time of judgement, about which we read in Scripture, is growing ever closer.

Father, we know that You have purposed that grace comes before judgement and we also know that the coming judgement of the world is to demonstrate Your mighty power to the nations, so that the nations will know that You are the Lord.

Father, I pray that many, many men and women will turn to You during this coming time of tribulation, about which we read in Revelation. Thank You that Your children, the Church, will be taken to heaven before this terrible time of Jacob's trouble begins, but Lord have mercy and save a great multitude without number so that in the ages to come that great multitude of believing men and women will live in peace and safety, in the kingdom of Your dear Son.

I pray this in Jesus' name,


Loving Lord, we know that deep in the heart of every man there is a yearning for peace. The nations try in vain to forge peace initiatives, peace plans and peace treaties, and yet we know that in this world there will be no peace until the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace Himself, returns from His place in heaven - where even now, He is seated at the right hand of the Father.

We thank You that Your Word tells us that in this world we will have tribulation and times of war until that glorious future day when Jesus comes to reign on earth as our heavenly King of kings, Lord of lords and Prince of Peace. In that day, the earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea. And so Lord, as we live our heartfelt plea to You for peace in this troubled world, we know that the only true world peace will come through our Lord Jesus Christ, when He returns to set up His kingdom of peace, over which He will rule for 1000 years, until He has put under His feet all the enemies of peace and love and hope and joy.

But Lord in the meanwhile, we are to live in a fallen world that is lying in the power of the evil one, and so we pray that we may take up the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God and stand fast in this evil day. Thank You that we can be confident of this - that we have the peace of God in our hearts for Jesus said, "my peace I leave with You let not Your hearts be troubled behold I am coming quickly." Now may the Lord of peace himself give us His peace at all times and in every situation. The Lord be with us all,


Dear God,
I claim peace for all nations now,
and to begin I ask to let there be peace on Earth,
and let it begin with me.

May divine love and wisdom work together
in the hearts, minds, and lives of all people
to bring this peace about.

I know that with God all things are possible
and I see those who seem to be full of hate and fear
allowing God's love to penetrate their very being,
filling them with love, peace, and God's guidance.

Thank you, God, for answered prayer.

Dear Lord, I pray for world peace.
Jesus, you said, when I am lifted up on the earth, I will draw all men to myself.
As I lift my thoughts and prayers to the high consciousness of peace, I help lift the thoughts of all people across the entire world to peace.
Father, what a blessing it is to know that I can add to the peace of this world through prayer.

God, my prayers reach out to untangle all nations and people of the earth.
I know that the same feeling of peace that is within me resides in people everywhere no matter who they are, or where they live.
No matter the religion we profess, each person has been created with the peace of God at the core of his or her being.
God's peace resolves all seeming disagreements and dissolves all differences.
God's peace brings great freedom to all.
My prayer and my vision of the world is of a peaceful world.
As I hold to this prayer and vision, I remember that peace begins with me.
I pray, in Jesus Christ Name. Amen.

Lord we pray for the ability to be gentle;
the power to be forgiving;
the patience to be understanding;
and the persaviarance to accept the consequences
of holding on to what we believe to be right.

Father may we place our trust in the power of goodness to overcome evil
and the power of love to overcome hatred.

Lord we pray for clear vision so as to see and the faith to believe
in a world free from violence,
a new world in which fear shall no longer lead men or women to commit injustice,
nor a world where selfishness makes them bring suffering upon others.

Help us to offer our whole life and thought and energy
to the task of making peace,
praying always for the inspiration and the power
to fulfill the destiny for which we and all men and women were created.


Oh Lord God almighty, may there be peace in celestial regions. May there be peace on earth. May the waters be appeasing. May herbs be wholesome, and may trees and plants bring peace to all.