Prayer For The Woman I Love

Loving Heavenly Father, how I praise and thank You for bringing this wonderful girl into my life. Thank You Lord, for all that You have been teaching me as I have be waiting for this special moment.

Thank You, Father, for her love for You, and even though I have had to wait for so a long time, I praise You for answering this heart-prayer of mine in Your own perfect timing. Thank You that You have drawn me ever closer to Yourself during the time of waiting.

Bless our relationship and draw us ever closer to each other and to You. And may we learn to seek You together about our future. In Jesus' name I pray,


Father, for the woman that needs to feel your love today, I pray that you give her eyes to see and ears to hear your love for her. You know her name, her past, her triumphs, and her wounds. Let her know it is never too late to call on you, ask for your forgiveness, give her life to your service, rebuke the sin that is entangling her, and live free as a Child of God. For those alone or feeling unloved, let their love for you be so fierce that it radiates back to them. Let them live each day forward knowing you love them more than they can imagine and that they are not alone.

Father, for the woman that finds it easier to love herself than others, give her eyes to see how special all of your children are. Give her opportunities to sit down with those that don't look or think like her so that she can learn what it really means to love her neighbor. Help her to be kind, encouraging, forgiving, loving to those that may never realize her impact, and move forward with the ability to treat others with love no matter what. Give her the grace and strength to move from day to day with an outpouring of love for her neighbor.

Father, for the woman that finds it easier to love others more than herself, give her the gift of self-love and forgiveness. Hold her and embrace her. Give her permission to take care of herself, to enjoy the things that make her heart sing, and give her the time it takes to do those things. You love her servant heart, Lord, please let her feel the peace that your love wants to give her in these busy days we all live in.

Thank you Father that no matter where our hearts are you are always reaching out to love us unconditionally! You are the ultimate example of love and we are so grateful for that!

In Jesus' Holy

God of All Creation, we know that you watch over the sparrow and clothe the lily. Please help us today as we try to be loving to each other. Please let us know Your will for us now and for our future together. We pray in Your Most Holy Name. Amen.

Most Wonderful and Loving God, we thank You and praise You for all of the blessings that You have given us. Please watch over my dear love as she is pursuing her dreams. Support her and guide her. Let her know that You are with her every step of the way and that she can count on You. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please forgive me for all my sins I have ever made in this world. I pray to you for all my loved ones and my pets. Now dear heavenly father I pray for my relationship with my girlfriend Caroline. I love her so much. But now dear god due to my financial situation I have been unsuccessful to provide for her and to be worthy of her.

She has loved me deeply just as I have. But now dear father she no longer loves me. Please open up her heart to the sincere and true love I have for her. That she may realize that I am the love of her life and the man of her dreams. I love her so dearly dear heavenly father. I want so much that our relationship be the way it once was with so much love,patience and understanding.

Please father, grant me this prayer that my beloved Caroline can accept me once again and that we may once again experience that great love we had for such a long time.I promise dear father to love her with all my heart and to be a good husband to her.

And that we have a happy family filled with so much love.Thank you dear father for listening to my prayer . In the name of your beloved son Jesus I request all these thingsThank you dear father.. Amen

Dear God, Almighty Father in Heaven. Lord you know my heart and I pray that you see my intentions are pure. Please allow me to find love and happiness with the girl I love and who is in my heart.

If this can be part of your will Lord then please let it be and please help me to overcome any obstacles and doubt that might hinder my prayer. Lord I ask you humbly and with all the love you have put in my heart. Hear and answer my prayer Lord. I love you. Amen.

Dear God, please watch over the love of my life. She is so important to me, and she needs you right now. Please protect her and keep her in Your loving arms. Amen.

O Most Holy Lord, I ask that you look after my love. She has very difficult things ahead of her today. Please give her the strength and the courage to do what she needs to do. Amen.