Prayer For The State Of Israel

Our Nurturer / Our Parent, in heaven and on Earth, Rock of Israel and its redeemer, bless the State of Israel, so that she may become the beginning of the flowering of our redemption.

Shield her with Your embrace of love and spread over her Your sukkah-shelter of peace, and send Your light and Your righteousness to her heads, ministers, advisers, and judges, and to the nation that elects them, and align them with the spirit of justice from You, as it says, Zion through justice will be redeemed and her captives through righteousness. (Isaiah 1:27)

Rescue all of Your land, from the Jordan River to the sea, from the spilling of blood, and all residing and sojourning there, under every government, from haters without and hatred within. Grant peace in the land, and secure calm to her defenders, lasting joy to all her inhabitants, and real hope for all her peoples. And let us say: Amen.

Bless the soldiers of Israel's Defense Forces, and every one who stands guard in
order to protect our people. May the Holy One, Blessed be God, protect them
and save them from all troubles and afflictions, from all sickness and injury and
send blessing to all their endeavors. May the words of the Prophets come to
fruition through them "and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and
their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war any more. And each one shall sit under the vine and
under the fig tree and none shall be afraid," and let us say, Amen.

We pray for the Land of Israel and all its people. May its borders know peace, its
inhabitants tranquillity. And may the bonds of faith and fate that unite the Jews of all
lands be a source of strength to Israel and to us all. God of all lands and ages,
answer our constant prayer with a Zion once more aglow with light for us and all the
world, and let us say, Amen.

May the One who blessed our ancestors watch over and protect the Israeli
soldiers taken hostage in recent days, Gilad Shalit, Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad
Regev, and all others who are deprived of the blessing of freedom.
May God have compassion on them and grant them a speedy and safe return to
their homes. May God save them and bring them from captivity to freedom, from
enslavement to redemption, from darkness to light.
May the Holy One of Blessing grant them and all those wounded in the current
violence a complete healing, a healing of spirit and a healing of body,
strengthening their hearts, fortifying their courage, and soon letting them know
joy and gladness.
May God bring peace to the land of Israel and all lands, and soon bring about the
day when nation shall not lift up sword against nation nor learn war anymore, and
let us say Amen.

Eternal God, receive our prayers for the peace and security of the State of Israel and its people.

Spread blessing upon the Land and upon all who labor in its interest.

Protect Israeli soldiers as they defend our people against missiles and hate.

Protect the innocent among the Palestinian people, that they may be safe and free from death and injury.

Inspire Israel's leaders to both defend our people and follow the ways of righteousness and compassion.

Remove from the hearts of our people fear, hatred, malice, strife, and vengeance.

May the Jewish people scattered throughout the earth stand strong in solidarity with the state of Israel in times of war and peace, and may they be infused with the ancient hope of Zion.

May our people be encouraged by the symbol of Jerusalem as the eternal city of peace.

May the State of Israel be a blessing to all its inhabitants and to the Jewish people everywhere,

May she be a light to the nations of the world.


Rock and champion of Israel, please bless the state of Israel, first fruit of the flourishing of the fruit of our redemption. Guard it in the abundance of your love. Spread over it the shelter of your peace. Send forth your light and truth to those who lead and judge it, and to those who hold elective office. Establish in them, through your presence, wise counsel, that they might walk in the way of justice, freedom and integrity. Strengthen the hands of those who guard our holy land.

Let them inherit salvation and life. And give peace to the land, and perpetual joy to its inhabitants. Appoint for a blessing all our kindred of the house of Israel in all the lands of their dispersion. Plant in their hearts a love of Zion. And for all our people everywhere, may God be with them, and may they have the opportunity to go up to the land. Cause your spirit's influence to emanate upon all dwellers of our holy land. Remove from their midst hatred and enmity, jealousy and wickedness.

Plant in their hearts love and kinship, peace and friendship. And soon fulfill the vision of your prophet: Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Let them no longer learn ways of war.

And let us say: Amen.

Our Father who is in heaven, Protector and Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel, the dawn of our deliverance. Shield it beneath the wings of Your love; spread over it Your canopy of peace; send Your light and Your truth to its leaders, officers, and counselors, and direct them with Your good counsel.

Strengthen the defenders of our Holy Land; grant them, our God, salvation and crown them with victory. Establish peace in the land, and everlasting joy for its inhabitants. Remember our brethren, the whole house of Israel, in all the lands of their dispersion.

Our Father in Heaven, Rock and Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel, the first manifestation of the approach of our redemption. Shield it with Your lovingkindness, envelop it in Your peace, and bestow Your light and truth upon its leaders, ministers, and advisors, and grace them with Your good counsel. Strengthen the hands of those who defend our holy land, grant them deliverance, and adorn them in a mantle of victory. Ordain peace in the land and grant its inhabitants eternal happiness.

Lead them, swiftly and upright, to Your city Zion and to Jerusalem, the abode of Your Name, as is written in the Torah of Your servant Moses: Even if your outcasts are at the ends of the world, from there the Lord your God will gather you, from there He will fetch you. And the Lord your God will bring you to the land that your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it; and He will make you more prosperous and more numerous than your fathers. Draw our hearts together to revere and venerate Your name and to observe all the precepts of Your Torah, and send us quickly the Messiah son of David, agent of Your vindication, to redeem those who await Your deliverance.

Manifest yourself in the splendor of Your boldness before the eyes of all inhabitants of Your world, and may everyone endowed with a soul affirm that the Lord, God of Israel, is king and his dominion is absolute. Amen forevermore.