Prayer For The Singles

Father of Encouragement, I'm lonely and want an enduring relationship. At the same time, I am blessed with great friends and family and colleagues who are there with love and support. I pray that You will help me develop healthy communication skills that will deepen the relationships I have now, and enhance my communication with my future spouse. Help me to listen more than I talk, to pay attention and make sure I understand what others are really saying, and to authentically express empathy. Amen.

Heavenly Father,

There are many things in my life that I do not understand, like why I haven't met your match for me yet. However, today, I want to live like Your Son did.

I want to prove the love You have for each person. I want to show that love, being light and salt to the Earth. Please help me to overcome my fear of what I don't know, my fear of loneliness, and my fear of being without a mate, as I know you have a plan for me that includes light and love. Help me to show my grace, my faith, and my love for You and the world You created.

In His Name I pray, Amen.

God of Hope, as I pass through this time of being single and waiting, help me to focus my efforts toward being found faithful by You. I know I can entrust my future to You. You know my desires, and You are faithful. Help me to exercise my trust in You by doing the work You have for me to do now, and fixing my eyes on You. When You take the lead, the best is yet to come! Amen.

Lord my Portion, please equip me with everything I need in this season of singleness. Help me to overcome feelings of frustration and vulnerability, and to enjoy this segment of my life as a healthy and whole individual. Prepare me now with the practical tools I need to build a great marriage and family in the future. Help me to love myself as I am, so I can love more fully when the time comes. Amen.Lord my Portion, please equip me with everything I need in this season of singleness. Help me to overcome feelings of frustration and vulnerability, and to enjoy this segment of my life as a healthy and whole individual. Prepare me now with the practical tools I need to build a great marriage and family in the future. Help me to love myself as I am, so I can love more fully when the time comes. Amen.

Dear Father, Your word said it is not good that man should be alone and that You would make him a helper comparable to him. Dear Lord, I pray that You will supply every man with a good wife who will be his soulmate. Father, I pray that You will help men to find wives because You said that He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. We declare favor to every single man and woman, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Dear Father, Your word says that we must wait on You and be of good courage. So, Father, we pray right now for singles who want to be married. I ask, Lord, that You will grant grace and mercy to all single women and men who have a desire for marriage. I pray that You will give them the desires of their heart. Father we commit their ways to You and trust that You will provide a wife/husband in Your perfect time. Amen.

Dear Lord, I have come to recognise and accept that my heart's desire is to serve You, from this day forward, with every part of my being, to present my body as a living sacrifice unto You for the rest of my life. Lord, I know that this is a big step to take and few will understand, and I know that I can only take this step of faith in the power of Your Holy Spirit living in and working through me.

Lord, I want to offer my life to You, to use as You will, and I pray Lord that You would use me body, soul and spirit to Your praise and glory. May I be willing to go where You lead, even when it is not what I expected, and keep teaching and training me I pray, to live and move and work and expend my life entirely for Your service, relying on You and resting on the promises of Your Word.

Let me also be willing Lord, to follow Your guidance in the area of relationships. May I be willing and able to live for the rest of my life in my current state of singleness, but also may I be willing and open to Your guidance, should You choose otherwise. Lord, into Your hands I commit my future life for I desire to live as You deem best, in the place of Your choosing and in whatever state that You choose for me.

Teach me Lord, to listen to the promptings of Your voice, so that I may live by faith and not by sight. Lord, I want to please You and I know that without faith it is impossible to please You, so give me faith that honours You, I pray. I know in my heart that you desire all Your children to live by faith, trusting Your Word and acting upon it without questioning or hesitation, and so I pray that my faith in You may stand the test of time, and withstand the enemies of doubt and unbelief, to Your praise and glory.

Lord, may all I say and do and am from this day forward, be pleasing in Your sight, and may You be glorified through my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear God, I am coming to ask You to provide me with the wife that I have longed for, for so many years, and pray that You would bring into my life a beautiful woman to be my bride, who radiates an inner beauty that comes from a heart that loves You with her whole being.

Lord, You know that it is not good for any man to be alone and so You created Eve to be the unique and perfect helper for Adam. Father, I believe that You are still able to furnish anyone who seeks You with a good wife who will be a soul-mate and precious companion and lover.

Lord, finding a wife is perhaps the most important thing in any man's life and Your Word tells us that, He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord, I don't want to do this on my own, and so I ask that You would lead and guide me. Give me the wisdom and insight to know which woman that You would choose for me. Help me to make the right choices and prepare me Lord, for all that lies ahead as I seek to wait patiently for the lady that I believe You have chosen for me. In Jesus' name I pray,
