Prayer For The New School Year

God of Goodness,
Bless the new school year that lies before us.
You are Alpha and Omega.
Bless the firsts and lasts that this year will bring.
You are Wisdom and Life.
Bless the lessons we will learn and the ways we will grow.
You are Truth and Light.
Bless our study of the past and our work toward the future.
The beginning of each new school year offers an opportunity to ask
God's blessing upon all those involved in the education of youth. This
prayer for the start of a new school year invites students, parents,
educators, and administrators to pause and consider the tasks of teaching
and learning as holy work. You may choose to pray the following litany
within worship, invite youth to lead the prayer themselves, or share the
blessing with youth ministers as they begin a new year of ministry.
A Blessing for the New School Year
Pr a y e r s of Ca l l i n g
W W W . C O M M U N I T I E S O F C A L L I N G . O R G
You are Teacher and Guide.
Bless our teachers and administrators, our parents and coaches.
You are Healer and Reconciler.
Bless our friends and enemies, our relationships and conflicts.
You are Rock and Refuge.
Bless our homes and our families, our schools and our communities.
You are Caller and Companion.
Bless the decisions we will make and the struggles we will face.
You are Creator and Spirit.
Bless our changes and challenges, our questions and dreams.
In all things, in your name,

Lord our God,
in your wisdom and love
you surround us with the mysteries of the universe.
Send your spirit upon these students
and fill them with your wisdom and blessings.
Grant that they may devote themselves to their studies
and draw ever closer to you,
the source of all knowledge.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Lord, I give this school year to you. I pray that each of my children will learn exactly what is right for them to learn. Help them to master new skills and increase in their love of learning. Prepare them for what you have for them in their futures. Protect them from what is harmful to them and expose them to good things only. I pray that they will have good attitudes and a willingness to work hard. I pray that they will show respect and obedience. Please give our family peace during this school year. Thank you for loving them, protecting them, and caring for them.

Lord, please bless all our teachers, friends and relatives as
they make their way back to their classrooms for another year.
Help them to feel excitement and joy in the promise of a new
Give them everything they need to start their classes.
Give them all they need all year.
Give them imagination and creativity to make wonders out of
what they do have.
Help them stretch their budgets and their supplies.
Give them wisdom all year.
Help them quickly spot the little souls who are going to need
something extra from them this year.
Help them have just the right words of encouragement for each
Give them loads of love.
Help the love in their hearts just overflow so they always have
plenty to spare.
We can't conjure it up Lord, but you give in abundance... please
supply all the love teachers need.
Please supply them energy too, Lord.
Please let them sleep well at night so they are rested and
refreshed each morning.
Don't let them take their problems and worries to bed with
them at night.
Give them patience with students, with parents, and with their
Again, Lord, it's you who supplies in abundance.
Please keep the students and teachers safe this year.
Keep them safe from accidents or evil intent.
Let the students be excited about this wonderful world and all
there is to learn about it.
Help them to be interested in each other, for there's a wealth to
learn about and from each other, and this is true for teachers
and parents as well.
Give the parents willing hearts, both to help in the classroom if
they can, and certainly to be involved in their children's
homework and in their stories as the year goes on.
Let this be a truly wonderful year for everyone involved in
Let everyone feel, at the end of the year, that they learned all
they could and gave the best they had.

Lord God, your spirit of wisdom fills the earth and teaches us in your ways. Look upon these teachers. Let them strive to share their knowledge with gentle patience and endeavor always to bring the truth to eager minds. Grant that we may follow Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, forever and ever.

God of wisdom and might, we praise you for the wonder of our being, for mind, body, and spirit. Be with our children as they begin a new school year. Bless them and their teachers and staff. Give them the strength and grace as their bodies grow; wisdom and knowledge to their minds as they search for understanding; and peace and zeal to their hearts. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Loving God,
Our creator, our saviour, our companion,
bless this journey of a new school year that we undertake today.
Refresh our souls
and renew our spirits
as we embrace the beautiful ministry you have called us to.
We welcome those who are new to this community and
ask that you strengthen them to share the wonderful gifts you have given
Lord, make our hearts pure as we prepare for the return of students to this
and may you guide them to return with open hearts and minds eager to learn.
We ask this in Your name,

Lord Jesus, I ask for Your help as I begin this new school year.
Allow me to experience Your presence in the many blessings You put
before me.
Open my eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this
new school year brings.
Open my heart and mind to new friends and new teachers.
Give me a generous spirit to be enthusiastic with my studies and courage
to accept new opportunities.
Help me to be attentive to my teachers and let me experience Your
presence in my new friends.
Jesus, inspire me to do my best this year!