Prayer For The Lost Sheep

Lord, help me to transmit your love for souls. Fill me with your love, the love that compelled you to offer your life on the cross to free us from our sins. Mmove me to conquer my fears and complexes, my laziness and indifference, and to become engaged in the Church's mission to save souls. Don't let me blindly walk by the ones you love, the ones you shed your blood to redeem. Don't let my heart harden against them, but help me to go to them with your love and forgiveness.

Eternal Father, I offer You the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen

Lord of the harvest,
your Word finds a home in our heart,
calls us into community,
and invites us to generous service of the human family.
Bless with courage and spirit your priestly people,
called to full participation in the one Body of Christ.
May many choose to respond in public service
to your call offered in Jesus' name. Amen.

Lord Jesus, guide those burdened by their sin and trapped in life's material world, to your loving mercy. May they find peace and joy in your Son's teachings and a friendly welcome in our Church.

Lord Jesus Christ, who carries the lost sheep back into the fold in your arms, and deigns to hear the confession of the publican, graciously remit all my guilt and sin. Lord, who hears the penitent thief, who has set a heritage of mercy for your saints, and has not withheld pardon from the sinner; hear the prayers of your servants according to your mercy.

Grant, Almighty God, that as you have been pleased to draw us this day by the light of your gospel, out of that horrible darkness in which we have been miserably immersed, and to render your face so conspicuous to us in the person of your only begotten Son, that nothing but our ingratitude prevents us from being transformed into your celestial gloryO grant that we may make such advances in the light of truth, that every one of us may be ashamed of his former ignorance, and that we may freely and ingenuously confess that we were lost sheep, until we were brought back into the way of salvation by your hand; and may we thus proceed in the course of our holy calling until we shall at length be all gathered into heaven, where not only that truth shall give us light, which now rules us according to the capacity of our flesh, but where also the splendor of your glory shall shine in us, and shall render us conformable to your image, through Christ alone our Lord.

Lord, we pray for the one who is lost and can't find their way. You have said in your word, Lord, that the Son Of Man has come to save that which is lost. You have said also, Lord that if a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray; would he leave the ninety-nine; and would he go to the mountain to look for the one that has strayed. Your Word says, Lord that if he finds it, he should greatly rejoice. You said that he should rejoice over the lost sheep than over the ninety-nine, that did not go astray. We know, Lord that is is not your will that any one should go astray. Thank you Lord for taking care of your lost sheep...IN JESUS NAME. AMEN

Father, save this lost sheep and take all the glory in the name of Jesus.