Prayer For The Gravely Ill

Lord Jesus, when you were on earth, they brought the sick to you and you
healed them all. Today I ask you to bless all those in sickness, in weakness
and in pain

For those who are helpless and who must lie in bed while others go out and in:
Bless your people, O Lord

For those whose minds have lost their reason and those who are so nervous that
they cannot cope with life:
Bless your people, O Lord

For those who must face life under some handicap; those whose weakness
means that they must always be careful:
Bless your people, O Lord

For those suffering from debilitating or terminal illness and for their caregivers:
Bless your people, O Lord.

For those who are near the hour of death and in their final struggle:
Bless your people, O Lord.

Father, your only Son took upon himself the sufferings and weakness of the
whole human race; through his passion and cross he taught us how good can
be brought out of suffering. Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill, whom
we now remember in a special way. In the midst of illness and pain, may they be
united with Christ, who heals both body and soul. We ask this through Christ our
Lord. Amen

Almighty God, as we ask your help for our brothers and sisters who are ill, we
ask you to help us to be healing people in our time and place. May your love
touch others through us, and may I help all people to live in peace. We ask this
through Christ our Lord. Amen.