Prayer For The Gift Of Discernment

Lord God, I come before You now to request your divine intervention in my life. This is a battle that I cannot fight alone, seeing as my previous attempts led me here. So I'm here today to ask that You teach me how to solve these problems.

Only You know the safest answers to all of them and I pray that You walk me through each. Thank You for always being with me God, Amen.

Father, today is a new day and thus, a very different experience from last time. So I ask that you guide and help me be a better judge of all situations, tasks, and decisions that I'll meet today. Lord, always pick the best for me, regardless if I'm working or playing with my loved ones. Thank You for answering my prayerand In Jesus Name I pray.

Oh God above, I stand before You to ask for wisdom about my marriage. I'll be moving into an unknown territory and naturally, I have doubts and thus, questions. Is he/she the right choice and most importantly, do I have Your consent over my choice? Father, I place everything in Your hands to decide because You own my life and know what's best. Thank You oh Lord, and In Jesus Name I pray.

Lord, only You fully understands the concept of love. You've practically shown us just that for eternities. So I come before You today and I ask that You give me the insight to deepen/mend my relationship with SO (significant other's name). Give me the strength to handle his/her behavior no matter how infuriating they get. And also the patience to make sound decisions in this relationship. I thank You for providing a shoulder to always lean on, now and forever more. In Jesus Name I pray.

Dear LORD, help me distinguish between the accuser's voice and the Advocate's voice. I know I have a choice when it comes to whom I listen to: condemnation or correction. Thank You for Your great love that never condemns, but lovingly corrects. Increase my wisdom and let my mind and soul be enlightened by the gift of discernment.

In Jesus' Name,


Father, please guide my footsteps so that I do not sin against you. Do not let me sin against you, so that Satan will not have an advantage over me. Empower me through your Holy Spirit to obey all your commandments, and help me to faithfully serve you so that I can prosper throughout the days of my life. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.


Dear God, please guide my steps not to seek counsels from ungodly people. Assist me to seek godly counselors who may guide me into making right decisions. Help me to prayerfully consider any counsel before I take an action. Do not let me rush into judgment and regret afterward. Rather, let your Holy Spirit counsel, comfort, and empower me to appropriately make decisions that will result in positive benefits. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.

O Lord, please teach me how to respond to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Let me be prayerful and sensitive, so that I can understand every instruction that the Spirit offers. Make me a sensitive servant that listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and make me an obedient servant that yields to his instructions. Let my obedience benefit your kingdom. Let me never regret serving you, but help me to prosper in this life, and in heaven also. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
