Prayer For The Feast Of The Archangels

St. Gabriel the Archangel, I venerate you as the "Angel of the Incarnation," because God has specially appointed you to bear the messages concerning the God-Man to Daniel, Zechariah, and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Give me a tender and devoted Mother, more like your own.

I venerate you also as the "strength from God," because you are the giver of God's strength, consoler and comforter chosen to strengthen God's faithful and to teach them important truths. I ask for the grace of a special power of the will to strive for holiness of life. Steady my resolutions, renew my courage, comfort and console me in the problems, trials, and sufferings of daily living, as you consoled our Savior in His agony and Mary in her sorrows and Joseph in his trials. I put my confidence in you.

St. Gabriel, I ask you especially for this favor: (Mention your request). Through your earnest love for the Son of God-Made-Man and for His blessed Mother, I beg of you, intercede for me that my request may be granted, if it be God's holy Will.

Pray for us, St. Gabriel the Archangel. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray. Almighty and ever-living God, since You chose the Archangel Gabriel from among all the Angels to announce the mystery of Your Son's Incarnation, mercifully grant that we who honor him on earth may feel the benefit of his patronage in heaven. You live and reign for ever. Amen.

St. Michael the Archangel, loyal champion of God and His people, I turn to you with confidence and seek your powerful intercession. For the love of God, Who made you so glorious in grace and power, and for the love of the Mother of Jesus, the Queen of the Angels, be pleased to hear my prayer. You know the value on my soul in the eyes of God. May no stain of evil ever disfigure its beauty. Help me to conquer the evil spirit who tempts me. I desire to imitate your loyalty to God and Holy Mother Church and your great love for God and people. And since you are God's messenger for the care of his people, I entrust to you this special request: (Mention your request).

St. Michael, since you are, by the Will of the Creator, the powerful intercessor of Christians, I have great confidence in your prayers. I earnestly trust that if it is God's holy Will, my petition will be granted.

Pray for me, St. Michael, and also for those I love. Protect us in all dangers of body and soul. Help us in our daily needs. Through your powerful intercession, may we live a holy life, die a happy death, and reach heaven where we may praise and love God with you forever. Amen.

Heavenly Father, you have given us archangels to assist us during our pilgrimage on earth.
Saint Michael is our protector, I ask him to come to my aid, fight for all my loved ones, and protect us from danger.
Saint Gabriel is a messenger for the Good News, I ask him to help me clearly, hear your voice and to teach me the truth.
Saint Raphael is the healing angel, I ask him to take my need for healing and that of everyone I know, lift it up to your throne of grace and deliver back to us the gift of recovery.
Help us O Lord to realize more fully the reality of the archangels and their desire to serve us. Holy Angels pray for us.


Saint Raphael, the Archangel, Help us in all the needs and trials and the journey of this earthly life, as you, through the power of God, didst restore sight and gave guidance to young Tobit. We humbly seek your aid and intercession, that our souls may be healed, our bodies protected from all ills, and that through divine grace we may become fit to dwell in the eternal Glory of God in heaven. Amen.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Saint Gabriel, the Archangel, We humbly ask you to intercede for us at the throne of divine mercy. As you announced the mystery of the Incarnation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, so through your prayers may we receive strength of faith and courage of spirit, and thus find favor with God and redemption through Christ Our Lord. May we sing the praise of God our Savior with the angels and saints in heaven forever and ever. Amen.

Heavenly Father, you have given us archangels to assist us during our pilgrimage on earth.
Saint Michael is our protector, I ask him to come to my aid, fight for all my loved ones, and protect us from danger.
Saint Gabriel is a messenger for the Good News, I ask him to help me clearly, hear your voice and to teach me the truth.
Saint Raphael is the healing angel, I ask him to take my need for healing and that of everyone I know, lift it up to your throne of grace and deliver back to us the gift of recovery.
Help us O Lord to realize more fully the reality of the archangels and their desire to serve us. Holy Angels pray for us.


Heavenly King, You have given us archangels

to assist us during our pilgrimage on earth.

Saint Michael is our protector;

I ask him to come to my aid,

fight for all my loved ones,

and protect us from danger.

Saint Gabriel is a messenger of the Good News;

I ask him to help me

clearly hear Your voice

and to teach me the truth.

Saint Raphael is the healing angel;

I ask him to take my need for healing

and that of everyone I know,

lift it up to Your throne of grace

and deliver back to us the gift of recovery.

Help us, O Lord,

to realize more fully the reality of the archangels

and their desire to serve us.

Holy angels,

pray for us.
