Prayer For The Family Unity

Mighty Father, we kneel before you as cousins, asking for your intervention in bringing our families together. Our parents have their differences and we don't want to be a part of it. We don't want to inherit their grudges. We want to help them reconcile their differences. Help us make that happen, Lord. We desire unity in our family. We want everyone to have the same goal which is: unconditional support for each other in good and bad times. We depend on you. Amen.

Everlasting God, we are asking for your help in bringing unity back to our family. Our challenges have drifted us apart from each other. We desire to be happy and united again. We pray that you may strengthen us to overcome our challenges and see beyond them as a reward for putting all our trust in you. Let us pray for each other and share your message of love and hope as we obey your will for our lives. Amen.

King of kings, we humble ourselves before you asking for unity in our family. A lot has been happening and we've grown distant. Each one of us has their own opinions and making any decision has become difficult. Open our hearts to understand each other's views and reach common ground on the family issues we are trying to solve. Let us strive to live peacefully with one another regardless of our differences. Help us count our blessings rather than dwell on our problems. You know our desires and you will fulfill them according to your will. Amen.c

Jesus Christ, teach us your obedience that we may be obedient to our parents and everyone regardless of age, class or career. Let our focus be on the reward you've promised for obedience. Let us understand each family member's strengths and weaknesses that we may not be judgmental but supportive of them in everything they do. Help us to keep the peace with everyone and live a life that glorifies you. Amen.

Glorious Father, we seek your intervention during these trying times as a family. Sibling rivalry has taken over our hearts. Restore unity among us. Help us be humble and treat each other with respect regardless of our financial stability or our level of education. Take away the pride in us and let us help each other with cheerful hearts. Help us obey our parents that we may live long in the land that you are giving us. Let us accept corrections and be willing to change our ways. Amen.

Father, I come before you with a heavy heart. My family is divided. There's no peace. Help us. Let our hearts want to live peacefully with each other. Help us let go of our pride and ask for forgiveness when we are wrong and forgive those who've wronged us too. Let your unending love consume the feelings of rage, bitterness, and jealousy built up in our hearts. Teach us how to live in ways pleasing to you, Lord. Amen.

King of kings, I am on knees seeking your help in how to bring unity to my family. Everybody is busy with their lives. We've grown distant from each other. I desire the family bond we once had. Lord, step in and bring us together. Let us share our laughter in joyful times and cry together in sad times. Help us to be there for one another, Lord. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I bow down before you with thanksgiving for the gift of family you have given me. Thank you for my grandparents, parents, siblings, uncles, aunties, nephews, and nieces. I pray that your love keeps us united always, through happy and sad times, through sickness and health, and job loss and promotions. Help us to always pray for each other and wish each other well in our endeavors. Remove any shred of jealousy in our hearts that we may celebrate each other's achievements. Amen.