Prayer For The Epiphany

Father God, we bring our offering of worship and with it the service of our lives through this coming week. May we go from this place knowing that we have met with you and been blessed by your Spirit, to live and work to your glory. Amen

Your majesty is beyond
The eternal King
high and lifted up
to whom the angels worship.
Your power is beyond
The Creator God
who shakes the heavens
yet holds us in his hands.
Your mercy is beyond
our deserving
The Saviour God
once born for us
now sacrificed in love.
Forgive the smallness
of our faith
the magnitude
of our need,
the depth
of our sorrow.
Raise us up to new life
and new ways of service
through Jesus Christ
Your Son, our Lord. Amen

Father God, as we join together in worship let us not forget your infinite patience and love in dealing with your people, of which we count ourselves. Use us in your service, that we might draw others into your kingdom. To your praise and glory we ask this. Amen.

We are drawn to your feet in worship
Your creation facing its creator
Hearts laid bare by your light
Humbly asking for your mercy.
We come to you as a people in need
of assurance and forgiveness.
We come to you as a people in need
of healing and wholeness.
We come dependent upon your love.
Draw us close.
Enfold us in your arms.
Fill us with your Spirit
that we might reflect your light
within this dark world,
speak your Word with boldness
and draw others to your feet.
We ask this through your dear Son Jesus Christ.

Father God, the star that led the Magi to the stable announced to the world that its Saviour was born. Today we live in a world that is still covered by darkness, and still needing to make that journey to the stable door. May our lives reflect your light day by day, as we seek to serve where you have placed us. That we might be the means through which others can encounter Jesus Christ. Amen

Most gracious and generous God, you manifested your great love in the coming of Jesus Christ. As his life revealed your grace and truth may the presentation of our tithes and offerings display our best to you, ever faithful Lord. Expand our hearts and enlarge our giving that others may discover the fullness of your abundance. For the sake of Christ and his kingdom we pray. Amen

Mighty King of Glory, we come before you in the good name of Jesus. Gather us in your grace and mercy so that we might speak with integrity and truth. We humbly confess that we are not the people we desire to be. Nor are we the people you desire to make us. Forgive us when we limit you by our narrow and distorted vision. Too often we are prone to become fascinated with the spectacular and lose sight of the commitments that fill each day. In our efforts to produce and prolong mountain top thrills we are often quick to dismiss the ordinary responsibilities that summon our faithfulness. O God, cleanse our hearts, forgive our sins, and transfigure our perceptions that we might see and follow Jesus wherever he leads. Through Christ alone we are restored and made right with you and others [opportunity for silent confession] This we pray in Jesus Christ, who is your Son and our Savior. Amen.

Eternal Lord, as we gather in worship may we focus more fully on your presence. Help us to listen to your Spirit so we too can hear your gracious words of welcome, Come, follow me, the kingdom of God is near. Open our hearts and enliven our faith that we might follow you in our worship and witness now and every day this week. In Jesus' strong and tender name. Amen!