Prayer For The Ephesians

Lord Jesus, You have lavished Your love and life on me. I love You. Help me love You more and more. Test my love, strengthen my love, deepen my love, until it becomes an undying love. An all-consuming passion. A magnificent obsession. May Your grace and goodness and mercy surround me all the days of my life --until we meet face-to-face. How I long for that moment. I yearn for that day when we will be together forever. Come quickly, Lord Jesus Amen.

Lord, open my heart and mind to Your truth. Fill me with the wisdom of Your Word and Your Holy Spirit. Teach me to hear Your voice, to know and understand what Your will is -- for me, for my family, for my church and community. Help me to fulfill Your plans and purposes for me, for Your glory and my good.

Lord, You loved me long before I ever loved You. You sent Your only Son to die for me. This kind of love is beyond my comprehension. Now as I'm being rooted established in Your love, as I grow in my knowledge and experience and understanding of You, please give me the power, together with all my brothers and sisters in Christ, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is Your love for me. Help me to know Your love, to share Your love, and to live strong in Your love.

Dear Jesus, thank You for calling me to a love relationship with You. Thank You for making me apart of Your family, the family of God. Thank You for each person who has pointed me to You, each person who has taught me, challenged me, encouraged me, inspired me, and helped me to grow in my faith. Lord, thank You for each life You have given me the privilege of pointing to You, each person I am able to teach or challenge or encourage or inspire. There is no greater joy than to see them grow in their faith and Your love. Be with all of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Give them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that they may know You better and live strong in You. Bless them today, I pray.

Lord Jesus, I shudder to think that I was once dead in my transgression and sins -- I used to walk in rebellion and disobedience. I lived only to please myself. In my ignorance, I was ruled by the power of the enemy and didn't even know it. I was under a death sentence. I deserved Your judgement and wrath. But in Your love, You rescued me from darkness. You set me free from bondage to sin. You brought me out of the enemy's camp and made me one of Your own. You raised me to life -- eternal life. With all that is in me, I praise You and worship You. I bless Your holy name.

Heavenly Father, thank You that You chose me to be Your disciple. You have made me one of Your "saints" -- setting me apart as Your very own. I belong to You. Teach me what it means to be separate from the world, to be holy. I want to live a strong life, worthy of my sacred calling. A life that brings joy to Your heart. A life that brings glory and honor to You. Fill me with Your grace and peace today. In Jesus' precious name, I pray. Amen.

God, I am a servant of the gospel -- Your servant -- because Your mercy, grace, and life-transforming power. In my own flesh, in my sin nature, there is nothing of any value or virtue. Nothing worthy of Your love, nothing deserving of Your mercy and grace.

But You have made me worthy through the precious blood of Jesus, Your Son. You have lavished Your love on me. You have saved me, redeemed me, and restored me through Your amazing grace.