Prayer For The Bread At Communion

Heavenly Father,

We praise You for this heavenly banquet that You have so freely given us. Thank you that we carry in our hearts the riches of this eternal goodness. May we pour it out wherever we go, lighting up the darkness with truth, speaking out hope where there is despair, and weaving Your unconditional love into all we do. Send us now in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit. May we live to be all that You have destined us to be.

In the name of Jesus we pray.


Dear God,

Today we gather together as brothers and sisters in Christ to remember the extraordinary sacrifice You made in sending Jesus, Your beloved Son to be with us. We thank You for His legacy in words, actions and obedience to suffering on the cross.

Lord, we come to You now to ask for forgiveness for any thoughts, words or deeds that have not honoured Your name. We are also truly sorry for the times we have chosen to live selfishly rather than heed Your calling. We invite you to inhabit our hearts now as we take communion. As we share this meal, come bind us together as one family, filled with Your love.

Thank You Lord for Your grace that is at work in our lives.


Lord, as we drink this wine,
We remember that you are the giver of life.
You are forgiveness, You bring deep peace to our souls and Your love flows within us.

As we pour out this wine, we see Your sacrifice poured out for us.
We notice the depth of Your goodness, and the pain You suffered for us.
We dwell upon the intricacy of human life, and the price You paid to set humanity free.

Yet just as the tombstone rolled away to unleash the Risen Lord, Your light shines in our hearts now, extinguishing all darkness to release Heavens blessings upon us.

Thank you, Lord.


What a joy and a privilege it is to fellowship with You my Lord, and to commune with You. No matter where I am or who I am with, I know that You are with me, indwelling me, and I rejoice for my spirit that can share precious communion with You as I rest in Your arms of love.

Whether I am in a rushing noisy crowd or sitting in solitary stillness, communion with You my Lord is sweet and beautiful. Whatever ails me or delights me becomes Your concern, for You chose me before the foundation of the world and scheduled each day of my life before I was even born. How great You are, my Lord and God.

Who am I that You should condescend to spend time in sweet fellowship with me? My heart is humbled at the wonder that my God and King should care for me and desire intimate companionship with me. I was one who was once at enmity with You and dead in my trespasses and sins. But You sought me out, saved me, redeemed me and clothed me with Your own righteousness, and I will praise and wonder at Your saving grace through the eternity of eternities. You alone are worthy of honour and glory and praise and worship.


Loving Lord Jesus, I come before You now and confess that You alone are the living God, You alone are worthy of all honour and praise, for You set aside Your heavenly glory and came into this world as a man, to redeem lost sinners from the curse of the law, and I praise You that I am included in Your gracious forgiveness.

Thank You, that You willingly offered up Your body to be the sacrifice for my sin. Thank You, that Your body was broken for me, and that Your precious blood was shed to pay the full price for all my many sins, and not for me only but all who would trust in Your name.

Lord, I kneel before You in humble submission, as I partake of the bread and wine, and I do this in remembrance of You.


O for a closer walk with You Lord Jesus, so that I may draw ever closer into Your arms of grace day by day. Thank You that I can commune with You Lord, as I come before You in prayer and the reading of Your Word.

Help me to seek You more and more for Who You are and not just that which You provide. Lord, that I may spend time in Your presence, not for what I can get from You, but for what I can give to You. Lord, fill me with Your love so that my love may flow back to You as well as out to others. I pray that my life may be one that glorifies You in thought, word and deed and that with each passing day, I draw ever closer into close communion with You. In Jesus' name I pray,


Lord, we pray that You would still our minds and quiet our hearts as we approach this communion table today. We ask that You would draw each one of us into ever closer fellowship with Yourself, as we partake together of the bread and wine, in grateful remembrance of what You did for each one of us, on Calvary's cross.

Help me Lord, to approach this communion table with reverence and godly fear, as we share together in the bread and the cup. Lord, we remember how on the same night that You were betrayed You took a piece of bread, and blessed it and broke it, and gave it to Your disciples and said. eat this in remembrance of Me.

We also remember how You then took the cup and told them. this is the new covenant in My blood, do this in remembrance of Me. Lord, we partake of this bread and drink this cup in remembrance of what You did on our behalf, on Calvary's cross, and praise and glorify Your holy name.


Lord Jesus, I bow before you in humility and ask You to examine my heart today. Show me anything that is not pleasing to You. Reveal any secret pride, any unconfessed sin, any rebellion or unforgiveness that may be hindering my relationship with You. I know that I am Your beloved child, having received You into my heart and life and having accepted Your death as penalty for my sinfulness. The price You paid covered me for all time, and my desire is to live for You.

As I take the bread representing Your life that was broken for me, I remember and celebrate Your faithfulness to me and to all who will receive You. I can't begin to fathom the agonizing suffering of Your crucifixion. Yet You took that pain for me. You died for me! Thank You, Jesus. Thank You for Your extravagant love and unmerited favor. Thank You that Your death gave me lifeabundant life now, and eternal life forever. As You instructed Your disciples, I, too, receive this bread in remembrance of You.

And in the same way, as I take this cup representing Your blood poured out from a splintered cross, I realize that You were the supreme sacrifice for all my sin: past, present, and future. Because of Your blood shed for me, and Your body broken for me, I can be free from the power and penalty of sin. Thank You for Your victory over death. You took the death that I deserved. You took my punishment. Your pain was indeed my gain. And today I remember and celebrate the precious gift of life You gave me through the blood that You spilled.

But while my relationship is secure with you, I know sin can break our fellowship at times. I'm still human, and I often forget who I am and Whose I am. You want to convict and correct me, not shame me. You love me like a perfect parent. You'll never disown me or leave me. You love me no matter what. But sin hurts both my heart and Yours. So before I take communion today, I'm asking You to truly search my heart and reveal hidden things for which to ask Your forgiveness.

Each time I take communion, Lord, I want to recommit my life, my heart, my thoughts, my everything to You. Fill me today with Your powerful Spirit. As I leave this place, help me to hold this fresh remembrance and the story that never grows old close to my heart. Help me to share its message faithfully as You give opportunity.

In Your Precious name,