Prayer For The Bride

Everlasting Father, thank you that you never fail to keep your promises. You have promised that our faith will never be put to shame when our trust is in you. We pray for this marriage and trust you to keep them safe in your hand for the rest of their lives. Please help them to rely on you in their relationship, whatever the future may bring. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with them always. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.


You know that today is a significant day for me and the people with whom I serve and worship. You know all of the moments which have led up to this particular moment. You know each step wherein we have walked with precision and balance. You know every place where we have stumbled and staggered. You have blazed this trail for us and You have grown us in our ability to follow You, as You have led us to places where we have not been before. We are stronger because of the challenging path. We are wiser because we have learned from our stumbles, scrapes and bruises. Lord Jesus, there has not been one moment when You were not watching over us or watching out ahead of us. You have proven Yourself again to be the impeccable Shepherd. We trust You and rejoice in knowing that You are among us today as we sign our names to the next leg of this long, unpredictable hike. In omniscient wisdom, You have not disclosed every bend in the road, each obstacle blocking the path or even the dangers that will come our way as we faithfully follow You. Thank You for simply training us to keep our hearts fixated on You. When we do so, we experience a deep, abiding peace that is indescribable.

Thank You, Father, for letting us take part in Your plan. We have tasted it and declare it to be very good. For Your glory in our generation,


May I follow him with grace when he doesn't lead well and with wisdom when he makes mistakes. No leader is flawless. Every good leader learns by failing. So when he fails, and he will, I will give him grace to try again, encouragement to keep going, and love that says, I'm with you forever, no matter what.

And as my wedding will be filled with dancing for joy over God's brilliant plan for the two of us and for all of us who are married, may we dance frequently throughout your lives.


May I, as a bride, be the wind beneath my husband's wings, the one who believes in him more than any other human, continually committed to supporting and encouraging him no matter what. And may I remind him I am not going anywhere and never will. I pray I will demonstrate the presence of the Holy Spirit's promise to never leave us abandoned. I will show full loyalty to my spouse.

Lord God Almighty, creator of the heavens and earth.

Thank you for the gift of marriage. For all the joy and love that it brings us. We thank you for (Bride Name & Groom Name). Thank you that you have brought them together for this special day,

And that you hold them safely in Your hands. We pray that you would richly bless them as they exchange their vows and their wedding rings, And from this day forward they would walk hand in hand into everything that you have destined them to be. We give our hearts and beings to You now in adoration, and welcome Your Holy Spirit amongst us.


Dear God,

I come before You today and lift up all new brides, brides-to-be, and every bride, every wife. I ask that You would bless each and every one of us. Please fill us with Your Holy Spirit, molding our character to be like Christ's. Help us not to rely on our past, but rather look to the future in faith that You are making us into the wife you have called us to be. Please help new brides adjust into the transition of being a wife. Give the bride-to-be a peace beyond understanding as she begins her journey to a new life with her husband. Please anoint every wife, young or experienced, maturing her and guiding her to be confident, diligent, submissive, strong, knowledgeable, patient, full of wisdom, graceful, loving, peaceful, kind, respectful, Spirit-filled, enduring, forgiving, selfless, and righteous! We want to experience a fullness in our marriage that only You can give us. Please help each one of us take serious our walk with You, seeking a love relationship with You daily, and being a complement to our husband every moment of the day in Jesus' name AMEN!

Dear Lord,

On this very special day, I lift my dear friend up in prayer. I pray that she wakes up feeling peaceful yet excited, eager, yet ready to soak up each and every moment. No matter what people have told her about marriage, let her go into hers with an open mind and a readiness to fight for her marriage. Remind her that it won't always be easy, but that marriage is such a gift. I pray that each year will be sweeter for her and her husbandno matter what hurdles they must cross. And that even when they go through tough phases, that they'll work through them together.

I pray that they keep to their vows, but remember that they'll never be perfect. That they give each other grace, forgive each other whenever they can, and rely on you for the rest. I pray that their faith in you will never fade, because your faithfulness will never end. Let them lean on you when times get tough, and praise you when blessings are full.

Help them to set goals, yet enjoy each day. Because the days are long, but the years are short. And every day together is a blessing. I pray that they'll seek you together as they continually pursue each otherthat they'll never forget the reasons they fell in love in the first place.

Give her peace today and every day. Lord, bless their marriage immensely.

In your name I pray,

Dear God, give them one heart to know You and love You.
Help them stay humble.
Ever grateful that all good things come from Your hand.
Let them find comfort in one another.
And give them wisdom to know godliness with contentment itself is great gain.
Give her a heart to follow his leadership.
Always loving and encouraging and supporting him.
Give him a heart to follow Your leadership.
Always loving and protecting and cherishing her.
As they start their life together help them love You with all their energy, all their life.
And out of that overflow help them to love others too.
God, let them have a ton of fun with each other.