Prayer For The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

Father, please help me to consistently study bible and listen to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Do not let me be lazy in studying your word. Also, let me prayerfully consider every teaching that is presented to me, and give me the grace to reject deceptive teachings. Enable me to accept and celebrate all truth that will liberate me from sin, and make me heavenly bound. Let your word and leadership of the Holy Spirit prosper me now, and always. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.


Dear God, I believe your scripture that states, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). Therefore, I ask you to please empower me through the Holy Spirit to be focus, diligent, and hardworking. Let me succeed in all my endeavors, so that I can share your testimony of goodness to other people. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.


O good Lord, I have realized that Holy Spirit is the key to an effective ministry. Therefore, I pray that you will assist my ministry to operate in the Holy Spirit. Since the Holy Spirit symbolizes your abiding presence, let him dominate my life and ministry so that I can prosper. Also, I pray for other ministers that you will enable them to allow your Holy Spirit to operate in their lives and ministries. Let all Christians who serve you in any capacity within and without the church setting operate in the Holy Spirit so that they can prosper. At the end of it all, let your servants be qualified to receive crowns of glory in heaven. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.


Dear Jesus Christ, please baptize me with your Holy Spirit so that I can prosper. Let me have your Holy Spirit so that I can effectively evangelize your gospel. Also, let your Holy Spirit empower me to live triumphant life on earth. Please make me an embodiment of your testimony through the help of your Holy Spirit. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.


Father, I understand that no one can be a successful Christian without the help of the Holy Spirit. Please baptize me with your Holy Spirit as you did to your disciples on the Day of Pentecost. Let your Spirit enable me to make significant positive contributions to other people's lives. Also, let your Holy Spirit teach and guide me into all righteousness so that I can please you well. Let your Spirit enable me to live an overcomer's life on earth, and let me be a partaker of heaven. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.


Eternal Rock of Ages, please let your Holy Spirit rule me at all times. Enable me to be sensitive to your leadership, and do not let me satisfy flesh desires. Let me grow in faith, and let your power be demonstrated in my life with significant testimonies. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.


Jehovah, I understand that no one can satisfy you in holiness without the power of the Holy Spirit. I also understand that no one can receive the Holy Spirit without accepting Jesus Christ as Lord. Therefore, I confess Jesus Christ as Lord, and I accept him as my personal Savior. Through Christ, I will satisfy God, and I will inherit eternal life.


Dear God, I understand that selfishness must not play any part in my spiritual exercise. I must only demonstrate my spiritual gifts in a way that will benefit my fellow believers and also profit your kingdom. Therefore, I ask for your grace to meet every expectation. Let your Holy Spirit richly dwell in me so that I can take every necessary step required to glorify your name. Empower me to serve you with humility, and please let me be an effective servant that will prosper your kingdom always. At the end of my earthly race, let me enter heaven to receive your imperishable crown of glory. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
