Prayer For Taking An Exam

Dear God, I ask that You would be with me as I prepare for my exams. Thank You, Lord, for the wonderful educational opportunity that You have granted me, enabling me to undertake this course of study.

As I now prepare for my exams, I pray that You would be close to me and calm my nerves. Remove any anxious thoughts from my heart, so that I may approach this exam with a clear mind and a tranquil spirit.

Help me to do my best I pray, to answer the questions clearly and to express my thoughts lucidly. Calm my nerves I pray, and bring to my mind all that I have studied, so that I may be able to answer all the questions to the very best of my ability.

Thank You that You have promised to be with me in all things I ask that You stay very close in this exam. In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving Father, as I get myself ready for my forthcoming exam, I ask that You give me the wisdom and strength to really get my heart and my mind properly prepared. Keep my mind from nervous distractions and give me Your perfect peace in my heart, as I make my make myself ready for these important exams.

Thank You, Lord, for giving me this opportunity to study. I pray that I will be equipped with the right knowledge and qualification for my exam.

Thank You, that You have been with me throughout this course, for my hope and strength is in You. And Lord, as I now come to the end of this particular period in my life, I pray that You uphold me with Your righteous right hand and guide me as I move forward in my life. In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving Heavenly Father, as I sit here waiting to take this exam, I ask that You would be with me throughout the entire time. Fill my heart Lord, with Your peaceful serenity. I pray that my mind may think clearly throughout the exam and that I may answer the questions well.

Lord, I pray that I may sense Your peace in my heart as I apply myself to the challenges of today. Enable me to focus my attention appropriately on each question, throughout the entire examination, and bring to my mind all that I have learned over the last months, I pray.

Thank You, Lord, that You are always there. In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving Heavenly Father, it astonishes me that I am once again preparing to take an important exam, after having finished my normal education' so long ago. At times I feel that my mind is slowing down and the thought of sitting an exam is quite a daunting task. But Father, You led me in this direction and You have promised to be with me in all things, in every season of our lives. Be with me Lord, as I prepare for this exam and also as I go on to take it.

I thank and praise You that You have given me this wonderful opportunity to forward my career with this course of studies, and I pray that You will be glorified as I move forward in my life and apply all that I have been learning.

Thank You, Father, for being with me up until now. I know that You have promised never to leave me, and to be my strength and stay in all things, for which I praise Your holy name.


Dear God, I am shortly to face my final exams at the end of this course of study and I pray that You would be with me every step of the way, as I prepare for this daunting landmark in my life.

Continue to be with me in all my studies and coursework, and enable me to retain and apply all that I have learned so that I may be well equipped not only to face these exams, knowing that I have worked hard, but also to be prepared for the future, in whatever direction You should lead me

Dear God, I thank You that You have supported me through this whole course of study, for I know that without You I could never have reached this final hurdle. Be with me I pray, every step of the way and I offer my life to You to do with as You will. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear God, I have got an exam and I am a bit frightened about exams because You cant talk to anyone.

I know that I can talk to You, but I am not supposed to say anything out loud. Please will You be with me in my heart and listen very carefully when I am talking to You in the exam, because I have to talk in my heart and not out loud.

Thank You for living in my heart. I love You, Lord Jesus.


Lord Jesus, I pray that you would be with me, to enable me to make the final preparations for my Finals. Lord, You have been my helper and my strength throughout this demanding programme of studies, and I pray that You will be close to me as I face the challenges that lie ahead of me as I approach the end of my time here.

Grant me the strength to face the inevitable pressures that will arise as I prepare for my final exams, and guide my studies as I prepare for this important period of my life.

Keep my mind focussed on what is important. Help me not to become distracted by peripheral activities or people, but rather help me to stay my mind on these exams and manage my time in a wise manner.

Lord, my life and my future is in Your hands. I pray that I may do well in these exams and may all I do in these exams be honouring to You. I will not fear, knowing that You have promised to hold my right hand. In Jesus' name I pray,


Lord, I know you are with me and love me.
Give me peace of mind as I prepare for this time of study.
Help me to focus on my books and notes,
keep me from all distractions so that I will make the best use
of this time that is available to me.
Give me insight that I might understand what I am studying,
and help me to remember it when the time comes.
Above all, I thank you for the ability to be able to study
and for the many gifts and talents you have given me.
Help me always to use them in such a way
that they honor you and do justice to myself.