Prayer For Surrender

Heavenly Father, my desire is to do Your will and to do it willingly and without question, even though my nature and tendency has often been to kick against the pricks of my life-circumstances and to try to steer my own course independently of You.

Nevertheless, I pray that by the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, I may be willing to present my entire life to You as a sweet-smelling savour.

Lord, I want to be changed into the person that You want me to be, and to leave behind the things of the flesh, to walk in newness of life, and in spirit and truth with Your Holy Spirit in the driving seat of my life.

Lord, I want to prove what is Your good and acceptable will for my life and to allow Your Holy Spirit to change in me all those fleshly tendencies of life and selfish motives, that so often cause me to sin against You. I want to learn obedience through Your child-training work in my life, so that I may be used to bring encouragement to others in thought, word, deed and motive.

Keep me from prideful actions and from those little jealous thoughts that so easily tarnish my witness for You, and help me I pray, to develop an attitude of thankfulness and joy in the Lord. May I rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks to You for Your great goodness to me. Thank You, Lord, for the work that You are doing in me,

In Jesus' name I pray,

Oh Father, the depth of the riches both of Your wisdom and knowledge are unsearchable. Your judgments are unfathomable and Your ways are unable to be found out.

How I thank You that You searched me out, lifted me up out of the miry clay and set my feet upon the rock of my salvation. To You be all glory forever and ever.

Lord, I know that my love for You is not as strong as I would like it to be, but it is my deep desire to present my spirit, soul and body to be a holy and acceptable sacrifice to You, a living sacrifice, so that in every area of my life I may do only those things that are pleasing to You.

Help me to keep my old self-life in the place of death. May I grow in grace and mature in the faith and draw ever closer to You with every passing day. And as I rest in You, I pray that day by day I may be increasingly conformed into the likeness of Your Son, my Saviour, Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Lord, I know that nothing can hinder the worship of my heart except the coldness of my heart! May I remain fully surrendered and quietly trusting. Find me faithful today, I pray.


Father, take my life I pray, and use it as You will. I choose today to surrender my all to You. You know the thoughts of my heart, and I have not come to this decision lightly, but know that this must be the path that I take from now on.

Father, I pray that moment by moment I may be looking to You. I pray that I may in-breathe Your will for my life through the Word of God and out-breath Your blessing to others, whom You may choose to place in my path.

Lord, I know that it is a dangerous prayer, but I ask that You do whatever it takes for me to live entirely in Your will and to be able to say in every circumstance of my life, Your will be done and not mine. Look deeply into the very core of my being and root out all things in me that are displeasing to You, Lord.

Search out my heart and change me into the person that You desire met to be, whatever it takes. May I decrease in my importance and desires until I am nothing, so that You may increase in every area of my life until You become my all in all.

Lord, today I choose to surrender my whole life to You and pray that whatever the cost, You would take full control of all that I am and all that You want me to be, from this point on.

I ask this in the precious name of Jesus,


Loving Father, I come to Your heavenly throne-room, humbly kneeling before You in the knowledge that in and of myself I have no right to appear before Your glorious majesty, but thanks be to God that through the blood of Jesus Christ my Lord, I can confidently draw near to Your mighty throne of grace, so that I may receive grace to help in time of need and necessity.

Lord, thank You that through the wonder working power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, I can live and move and have my being in Him. I pray, that I would grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Lord, make me willing and obedient to live a life that is pleasing to You.

Help me to take every thought captive and to rest in Your unfailing love. Keep me I pray, from being squeezed into the world's mould, but rather may I be transformed by the renewing of my mind in the likeness of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray,


Lord, when I really see Jesus as the Scripture describes Him, it isn't hard for me to follow and surrender to Him. May I become caught up in the irresistible delight of who Christ is.


Father of love and grace, I rejoice that I am Your child and that I have been saved by the blood of Christ and made a new creation in Him. Thank You that my sins are all forgiven by grace through faith in Him, and that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.

Lord, I want to surrender my will to Yours and to say daily, Thy will not mine be done. Help me to step out in faith moment by moment as I surrender my life to You. Uphold me with Your righteous right hand and keep me I pray, from falling. Lead me in the paths of righteousness for Your names sake, and guide me into the way everlasting. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, in the midst of a confusing world, help me to find peace, in full surrender to Your whole will. I ask this in Jesus' name,
