Prayer For Sunday Worship

Almighty God, you have kept us alive to praise and worship your holy name. We have gathered to thank you for your grace and praise you in the house of the lord. Your presence brings us strength, peace and hope in our lives. While we may be sinners, we can be washed clean through your mercy. May your grace aid us in our journey toward you. We have gathered at the tabernacle of the Lord to renew the love within our hearts. Allow us to live and serve you for all of our lives. May all of our works glorify you and make you happy to have us as your servants.

Father, thank you for bringing us in safety and health to this place of fellowship. We are thankful that we can surrender our lives to you in our worship. As we gather, let us take a moment to remember all of those who could not be with us today. For those who are sick, we pray for their healing so that they may gather again to praise you. We invite your Holy Spirit to move among us and dwell within our hearts. Challenge us, comfort us and support us as we work to honor you. Inspire us to learn more about your majestic ways and the beauty of your grace. We ask for all of this in your name and in the name of your most holy son, Jesus. Amen.

You are the Alpha and the Omega, oh Lord. You are the creator of all and we glorify your name. We invite you to our presence today. We cannot do anything except through your blessings. May we be filled with your spirit and your holy power. May you accept our worship as we sing your praises. Let everything that we do today and every day be divinely guided by your power. May the manifestations of your will be present always in our lives. Open the door to heaven and bring us your abundant blessings. May your joy overflow within us today and for every day of our lives.

Hallowed be your name. Father of heaven and earth, we have gathered today as your faithful. You have kept us in your presence through the week. Today, we come to glorify you and thank you for all that you have done. As we begin today's church service, we strive against the devil and pray that only your will be done on earth. We ask that you bless us and future generations with your presence. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers today.

There is none on heaven and earth like you. You are are Father who glorifies all in holiness. We fear your strength and pray for forgiveness. If we have done anything to offend you, we beg for your forgiveness. It is through you that we gather our strength as we sing your praises. We know that our gathering will be futile if we cannot feel your presence. Let this place be filled in your spirit. Let us feel the fullness of your power and allow us to live as a testimony to your greatness. Thank you, Lord, for all of our answered prayers.

Blessed Lord, we worship you and thank you for your grace. It is through you that we are able to gather in your presence today. Thank you for manifesting your presence here and accept our thanks in Jesus' name. According to your word, all good and perfect things come from your throne above. Give us what we need to follow you and walk with you. Give us the power to do all things in your name. Through Christ who strengthens us, we ask that you always abide with us. Accept our praises and worship so that we may return home refreshed to sing your praises.

Father of Grace, it is through your power that we are alive and healthy today. You have given us the good health to gather in fellowship to honor you. May our bodies be a living sacrifice to you. May you accept our sacrifice and bless it in Jesus' name. You have said that There shall always be a shout of rejoicing and salvation in the tabernacle of the righteous. May we always have a cause to rejoice in you. Go with us each and every day, oh Lord. Visit each of us in this gathering and bless us through your presence. Through you, may we be blessed and fulfilled.

Father in Heaven, maker of heaven and earth, you alone are worthy of our praises. We have gathered together to raise our voices in praise to you. We thank you for the wonders that you have worked in our lives. Accept our prayers of thanksgiving in Jesus' name. You are the only true, living God. Manifest yourself within our midst today. We know that without you, we can do nothing. Empower us to do great things today and every day in Jesus' name. As we finish our opening prayers for church service, may we feel your power. May each person present be inspired to love and serve you for every moment until we are gathered together again.