Prayer For Starting A New Job

Thank You Father for my husband's new job and we give You all the praise and glory for answering our prayers and opening the door for this new and exciting employment.

Please bless this new work and I pray that my husband will settle in quickly and happily in his new position, and will be enabled to fulfil the many requirements he will be called upon to do and to overcome all the obstacles he may find in this new position. I pray that he would not only fit in well in this next step of his career, but be viewed with grace and favour by both the senior managers and other work-colleagues.

Give him the vision and ability to quickly recognise what needs to be tackled and the potential to act quickly and effectively. Help him to excel in all he does and grant him wisdom and ability to face any new and difficult challenges with confidence, wisdom and grace. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient and I praise and thank You for this next step on our life-journey together - in Jesus name,


Dear Lord Jesus, I come to You as I am looking for suitable employment, and pray that You will guide me as I try to look for vacant posts and apply for suitable positions.

Lord, I am Your child and my life belongs to You. I pray that You will use my life in the work that You have prepared for me to do.

Grant me wisdom as I start to write and apply for jobs, and I pray that I may find grace in the eyes of the employers.

Go before me I pray, and open wide the door through which You would have me travel, and please shut tight every door that is unsuitable in Your sight. Lead me Lord, along Your chosen path and may I be sensitive to Your voice saying, "This is the way, walk in it."


Dear Lord, I thank You for my new job but I know that it is going to be very demanding as there is much to learn and less time that I would hope is being allowed for me to become as proficient as I would like.

I ask for Your grace and wisdom as I seek to come to terms with all the additional skills, training and expertise I need to acquire to become competent.

Help me to learn quickly and proficiently and may I find grace in the eyes of the management and may the quality of my work in this new job give a good Christian witness to my bosses and colleagues and be honouring to You this I ask in Jesus name,


Heavenly Father, I want to lift up the many men and women who are seeking jobs in this very difficult economic climate and especially those that I know personally, who are finding such difficulty is securing a job.

Lord You are the One Who can know every sparrow that falls to the ground and You are the One Who knows the various needs of every job seeker. .. so open the doors of opportunity to those who are in need we pray, and particularly for those who have families to support, and who may be getting discouraged and depressed.

Look down in mercy on the many job seekers and may many use this difficulty that they are facing to be the cause of looking to You in faith trusting in You in a way that they have never done before. Be gracious we pray, in Jesus name,


Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You today in real need of employment and am getting concerned as I have been out of work for some time, with few opportunities of securing any job.

You know the responsibilities I have, and I ask Lord that You would guide me to the right job. I know that there are many people who are in the same situation as I am in, and at times Lord I get quite discouraged. Please help me Lord not to be anxious, but to know that You are working all things according to Your good plan. Lord, at times I feel I am not part of Your plan, and yet I know what the Word tells us, that You will work all things together for good to those that love You, even my jobless position.

Help me to trust You in all things and not to fret or become too discouraged. I know we are to live by faith and not by sight. Help me Lord to trust in You. I ask this in Jesus' name,


You are my strength Jesus. Help me to carry the responsibilities with grace. Help me to lift each worry or burden to You. Help me to defend truth, justice and righteousness in my practice. You are my strength Jesus. Thank you.

Dear Lord, Today, I offer you myself. Come breathe your life Into my working day. Cause me to awake, to embrace the moment, And to go in Your name. Today, thank you that I can run without fear, Serve with kindness, And walk with You in this great adventure. Amen.

Dear Father, Thank you that you journey with me. You have been in the process of my learning, searching and applying for this post. Come Lord, fill my mind with confidence as I begin this new chapter in my life. When I feel uncertain about decisions in this new work, may I lean on you and your wisdom to guide me. Where I feel I lack confidence and self-belief, may your eternal strength empower me. Lord, come fill me with passion and inspiration for the tasks that lie ahead of me, and may I bring your love and truth to others through the work that I do now. In the name of Jesus, Amen.