Prayer For Starting Work Day


I give you all that I am this day.
Please brush away my weariness,
So that I may be inspired in my work.
Help me to discover new ways to reveal your love to all I meet.
Keep my mind clear and focused on all I need to achieve,
And give me the wisdom to overcome difficulties and find solutions.
I look to you and trust you are with me this day.


In peace we pray to you, Lord God

For the children, women and men who come to us seeking healing:
For all who are in need of wellness.

For those who have great needs, but who do not enter our doors:
For the indigent, the infirm, the isolated.

For all people in their daily life and work:
For our families, friends and neighbors, and for those who are alone.

For our communities, our nation and our world:
For all who work for justice, freedom, health and peace.

For the just and proper use of your creation:
For the victims of hunger, fear, injustice and oppression.

For all who are in danger, sorrow or any kind of trouble:
For those who minister to the sick, the friendless and the needy.

We thank you, Lord, for all the blessings of this life:
We glorify you forever and ever.

Lord, our God, we pray in thanksgiving for your great mercy and for your enduring compassion towards us and all of your creatures. Assure us, guide us and grant us confidence to do your will, especially in our roles in Catholic health care. Help us to understand and respect the vulnerability and fragility of the persons we serve in our ministry as well as the associates with whom we serve. We pray, trusting in your loving kindness. Amen.

Almighty God, whose hands hold all matters of life, give me grace of success in the work that I do. Help me to give it the careful thought and the strict attention that will lead to success.
Watch over me and govern my actions, that I may not mar its perfection.
Show me how to give my best, and let me not despise the toil that is necessary to complete it. Make my life a successful one, in that every duty you give to me, I do it well.
Give me the blessing of your help and guidance, and suffer me not to fail.
In Jesus' name,

Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory,
for ever and ever.

Dear God,
I commit this work day to you. Thank you for this job, my employers and coworkers.
I invite you, Jesus, to be with me today. May I perform each task with diligence, patience, and to the best of my ability. May I serve with integrity and speak with clarity.
May I understand my role and purpose as I contribute worthily. Help me to handle each challenge with wisdom.
Lord, please work in me and through me today.

Dear Heavenly Father,
As I enter my workplace today, I invite you to join me so that everyone here will sense your presence. I give you this day and ask you to work through me by the power of the Holy Spirit.
May I convey your peace, just as I am aware of your comforting proximity at all times. Fill me with your grace, mercy, ?and power to serve you and others in this place.
Lord Jesus, I want you to be glorified in my life and in this place of business. I pray you will be Lord over everything that is said and done here.
God, I thank you for the numerous blessings and gifts you have given me. May I bring honor to your name and spread joy to others.
Holy Spirit, help me to depend on you wholly today. Renew my strength. Fill me with physical and spiritual energy so that I will be the best employee I can be. Give me eyes of faith to see from a heavenly perspective as I do my job.
Lord, guide me with your wisdom. Help me to work through every challenge and conflict. Let me be a beacon for you and a blessing to my coworkers.
My prayer is to be a living witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In the name of Jesus,

Almighty God, thank Thee for the job of this day.
May we find gladness in all its toil and difficulty,
its pleasure and success, and even in its failure and sorrow.
We would look always away from ourselves,
and behold the glory and the need of the world
that we may have the will and the strength to bring
the gift of gladness to others; that with them we stand to bear
the burden and heat of the day and offer Thee the praise of work well done.

Lord Jesus, as I enter this workplace,
I bring Your presence with me.
I speak Your peace, Your grace, and Your perfect order into the atmosphere of this office.
I acknowledge Your Lordship over all that will be spoken, thought, decided and accomplished within these walls.

Lord Jesus, I thank You for the gifts You have deposited in me.
I do not take them lightly, but commit to using them responsibly and well.
Give me a fresh supply of truth and beauty on which to draw as I do my job.

Anoint my creativity, my ideas, my energy so that even my smallest task may bring You honor.
Lord, when I am confused, guide me. When I am weary, energize me.
Lord, when I am burned out, infuse me with the light of Your Holy Spirit.

May the work that I do and the way I do it bring hope, life, and courage to all that I come in contact with today.
And, oh Lord, even in this day's most stressful moment, may I rest in You.
In the name of Jesus my savior I pray.