Prayer For Spiritual Dryness

Lord, I want to know you! Relieve my doubts and build my faith. Soothe my dry cracked places and give me life, so that I may praise you all my days. Show me where to walk, how to live, and who you created me to be. Renew my spirit and cleanse my heart, so that I may take steps of faith that bring me ever closer to you. In the name of Jesus Christ, so be it.

Oh my Savior, may your love for the church come to life in my heart. Your people are not fully sanctified, myself included, but they are your peopleI want to love what you love. Help me not to feel pressure to be involved with other believers, but to see it as joy. Take all the fear out of me and let me walk forward in the courage you provide. Calm my spirit and help me seek out not only those who don't know you but also those who do. In your name, I ask these things, Amen.

Oh my Savior, may your love for the church come to life in my heart. Your people are not fully sanctified, myself included, but they are your peopleI want to love what you love. Help me not to feel pressure to be involved with other believers, but to see it as joy. Take all the fear out of me and let me walk forward in the courage you provide. Calm my spirit and help me seek out not only those who don't know you but also those who do. In your name, I ask these things, Amen.

Lord, please show me what in my life separates me from you and help me do what it takes to rid myself of it. If it is a habit, please break it. If it is a choice, please give me the strength to choose otherwise. Help me to have the strength to run from the things my flesh chases after. I know it was my sin that put you on the cross, but because of what you did, it no longer rules and conquers my life. I see the consequences of sinful choices I've made surround me, but they do not defeat me because you are victorious. You are the one who has defeated Satan the father of lies. Help me to see my sin clearly, and through your spirit - may it find death, so I might live. In Jesus name, Amen

Father God, some days it is hard for me to find even the desire to read your word and pray, nevertheless, I do it. I'm sorry about this. I know that these are ways I get to connect with you, but my soul has felt numb, and I lack the strength to awaken it; but I know you can. Please help me to push past distraction, sorrow, and despair. Lead me instead to places where determination, joy, and life will be found in abundance. Bring me more of you. Create in me a desire for the things of God, for I know they are the truest things. I want to want them. I want to want you. In your son's name, Amen.

Dear God, I know you are aware of the chaos within me. I know you see the longing within my heart for you and your presence. Please help me to see where you are. Help me to see you moving and to know that you are with me every step of the way. Help me to leave behind thought patterns and obstacles that make me forget who you really are. Help me to take my eyes off myself and put them back on you. Even though I can't feel it right now, I know you are there, and I know I can trust you. In Jesus name, Amen.

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? O leave me not to myself, I implore you; but pour forth your grace upon my soul. Take away from me this spiritual dryness, this unfeeling indifference to you and to holy things: Give me, O Lord, this grace: give me this power of aspiring to you, of lifting up my heart to heaven, of asking you to descend and take possession of my soul.

But yet, my God, if it is your providence to expose my faith and my love to this trial, I willingly bow me down and acknowledge your righteous ways. Who am I that you should visit me? Who am I that you should hear me whenever I call upon you? Forgive me the unthankfulness with which I have often received your saving inspirations.

Come now and dwell in me, God of love: come, who fills the whole earth with your Spirit, and soothe and cheer and console your servant. Give to me that peace which the world cannot give: give to me that grace which may unite my soul to you, and which may be a foretaste of the bliss of your heavenly abode. Redeem me and have mercy on me, O Lord, the God of truth. Amen.