Prayer For Special Needs Children

We ask that more than anything help these children see themselves as You do, which is in Your image. Help the parents and families see them in Your image.

Father, help these children to grow stronger and become smarter with Your wisdom. God will You show Your favor on them and may others show them favor.

Lord of all kindness, we ask your blessing for the children in our
care who have such special needs.
We ask for their comfort when their living is hard.
May they experience joy if they ever feel abandoned.
May they be blessed with strength to overcome challenges.
May they be blessed with friendship to allow them to grow in love.
Lord, we pray for all of our children, that they may realize their
dreams and live their lives in the fullness of your love and mercy.
May the healing touch of mercy be there for our children.
Let our hands be your hands, our words be your words and let your
mercy flow through all of us who have your children in our care.
We pray in the name of Jesus.

God made my son different, but that doesn't stop his joy and it doesn't have to stop mine,
regardless of what any evaluation says. God made my son and forever loves him because he is
His, and I'm eternally joy-filled that God chose him to be mine in this life.
God, we lift up all of our children's evaluations to You. Help us see the good amongst the
challenging, and help us choose joy through it all because we are Yours, and You are good.
Thank You for creating us uniquely, beautifully, and lovingly. Amen.

Father, I mourn the loss of the child I thought I had. I grieve the dreams for the future I had for
him before I even saw his face. Help me to accept this gift You've given me, despite his disability.
Teach me to see the heart of my child and not his disability. Strengthen me to face my child's
special needs with grace and love, and the wisdom to lead my child in the true knowledge of his
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Fulfill Your plans in him. May he come to love You, serve You, and
honor You with his life. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father:

Before the world could ever know, You created my precious child and crafted a beautiful blueprint for her life. Having special needs and even disabilities provides a different kind of normal for our family, but we are determined to praise you in the storm. While I'm so blessed to be the mama, we have our good days and our bad. Yet you guide us through each one, providing mercy and grace in exact measure. Now we come before you, simply asking that you measure out for us exactly what we need once more. That you who calms storms with your voice would calm the storms of our hearts with your presence. Amen.

Lord, thank You for creating every child. Please equip World Vision staff, community leaders, families, and Your followers as they support children with disabilities, and encourage them. May they experience Your deep love every day.

Lord of all, we lift up parents and caregivers of children with disabilities. Refresh them. Give them strength to press on each day. For families living in poverty, lead them to economic opportunities to provide each member with the resources to survive and thrive.